Spanish Lessons.

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“He did what? No. He couldn’t. Him?! Oh my God..” Selena laughed into the phone while laying on the bed. Her legs were crossed and her toes were bouncing to a non-existent beat. Justin lay beside her just waiting for her to hang up on her Dad and pay attention to him again. They were enjoying quite a masterful makeout session when his lover’s father had to call. And had to distract her.

Justin groaned as Selena kept talking in a half squeaky half giggling voice. It seemed like there was no end in sight to the conversation. He pulled his pillow over his head and closed his eyes. Maybe when he woke up she would be finished…like he could fall asleep with Selena’s every so often squeals.

“You should, Dad. I gotta go, Justin’s getting bored and impatient.” Selena whispered into the receiver, “Te amo también. Adiós.” She quietly hung up the phone and scooted over to where Justin was. “Baby…sorry. You wanna continue where we left off?” She asked already snapping open the buttons on his shirt by her delicate fingers.

Justin pushed the pillow over his head aside. “I never said we could.” He pointed out watching her undo his shirt without any real encouragement or rejection.

“Oh…you want me to stop then?” Selena asked tilting her head to the side.

“Why don’t you ever teach me any Spanish?” Justin suddenly questioned her. It had always been on his mind.

Selena raised her brow and smiled slowly, “I didn’t know that you were interested.”

“Course. I mean I don’t know a word of it.” Justin said leaning up to kiss her gently, “It’s a part of you. I wanna know. And plus I’ll know what the hell you mutter sometimes.”

Selena kissed him again and whispered. “Beso.”

“Bessa-whatie?” Justin asked feeling like he was being thrown in the deep end.

“Beso.” Selena said again with a giggle kissing him again to illustrate.

A deep smile spread across his face, “Oh…I get it. Beso.” He kissed her cupping her face. This time their tongue’s journeying to meet the other.

Selena pulled herself away and muttered, “Lengua.”

“Uhhh….” Justin paused not quite sure. “Could I get another example?” She leaned over him and ran her tongue along the underside of his chin. A shiver gripped is spine unwilling to move. “Got it… lengua.” He pulled her into a French kiss again making sure to prove to her that he was clear on the word’s meaning. “Next?” Justin asked eager to continue the lesson.

Selena tugged at the bottom of Justin’s shirt. “Camisa.”

“Oh that’s a boring one,” Justin sighed and repeated pointing to his shirt, “Camisa.”

“Watch it mister,” Selena said waving her finger at him, “We could learn about household objects if you’d rather. Like Spanish 101. Tea pot, blanket, door, television.”

Justin blinked a few times and then pointed to his shirt again, “Camisa.”

“Buen chico.” Selena giggled planting a kiss on his mouth before helping him rip it off his body.

“Beso.” Justin said happy to review earlier material.

Selena rolled her eyes. “Moving on.” She pressed her lips to Justin’s neck, “Cuello.”

“Oh I like that one,” Justin’s whispered his eyes slowly closing. Selena pulled herself up and shook her head.

“You know for being home schooled, you aren’t the best student.” Selena pointed out with a frown, “I think you need to-” he stopped her words by kissing her neck. She bit her lip trying to hold onto her concentration.

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