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Selenas POV:

“Alright Selena I’m talking in your ear piece can you hear me?” Jaden asked me through a mic in our hidden van behind this food mart.

“Yeah I can hear you. Oh Justin just texted me, he said he’s 5 minutes away. Is everything set?” I asked wiping my hands on my pants, they only sweat when I was nervous and for this prank I was most defiantly nervous.

“Yeah everything’s all set, your mom and Pattie are ready for him to call if he does. And make sure you turn on your pretty acting face and charm!” Jaden shouted a little loud in my ear. He must’ve seen me on the camera cringe a bit “Sorry Sel.” He replied almost instantly.

“It’s alright just keep your voice down we don’t need you making me jump during the prank!” I said trying my hardest to act really mad.

“Alright alright I’m sorry Sel.” He almost whispered in my ear.

“So was that good enough acting for you?” I asked with a smile on my face “I’m not really mad.” I said shrugging my shoulders and leaning up against my car.

“Oh your good. This is going to be epic! Alright I’ll talk to you in a few Sel.”

I pulled out my iPhone and waited for Justin to get here. He thinks were grabbing some junk food for tonight but really we’re on PUNK’D last year Justin hosted PUNK’D and raved for months afterwards on how he’s un-punkable just because he couldn’t fool Rob Dydrek into a prank. Little does he know I promised Taylor I’d get him back this season for what he did to her. We made sure everything seems too real for him to even suspect anything. Plus he doesn’t think PUNK’D starts filming till next month because they did ask him to come back and host because he got so many ratings last year.

I took a drink from my water bottle trying to calm myself. I think it was more of an adrenaline rush than anything. Just as I felt my body relax my phone started vibrating and I saw Justin was calling.

“Hey babe where are you?” I asked sweetly.

“Turning down the street, is there a lot of people or any paps anywhere?” He asked completely oblivious to anything, obviously.

“Nope it’s dead thank god. Oh I see your car.” I said hanging up the phone and smiling.

Justin parked across the street and jogged over to me.

“Hey baby I missed you.” He said pulling me into a tight hug and then grabbing my hand as we walked towards the store.

I was praying my hand hadn’t gotten clamy from the last time I wiped it off, but even if it had Justin didn’t seem to notice.

“So what are we going to get?” He asked as we got closer to the store.

“I’m all out of Nutella and peanut butter so I desperately need that.” I said casually, but my heart was beating a mile a minute. Any second now “muggers” were going to come out from the alley way and shove Justin on the ground and take me away into the store.

“Selena, babe.. you need to do something about your Nutella obsession” He joked.

I tried to act offended so I put my hand to my chest and turned to him and right as I did I noticed we were just passing the alley way, I caught a glimpse of one of the actors in a ski mask but I didn’t show any expression on my face.

“How dare you try to come between me and my love for Nutella.” I saw Justin’s eyes light up like they always did when he was about to tell me how much he loved me. But I knew this time it wouldn’t be cute cause any second his eyes would be filled with worry and probably anger. But I didn’t feel bad, he had this coming.

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