Phone Call

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Selena’s POV

            It had only been a few shows into the tour & Justin had even come to the first few but I was missing him terribly! We talked every night & we would text during the day here & there if we had time but we were both really busy. Today I had a show & then we were driving 7 hours to our next location. I was currently getting ready for the show when my phone buzzed, text from Justin, “I miss you so much babe, when do you think you will be alone tonight? I have an idea?” He had an idea? I was curious what he could possibly be thinking about doing? I quickly texted him back, “I miss you too, the show should end around 10 & we should be on the road by like 11. Whats your idea?” I set my phone down just as I heard someone shout 5 minutes until Christina went on, I needed to hurry up & finish getting ready! I picked up my straightener right when he texted back, “Okay I will call you around 11 & you will just have to wait & see!” The rest of the night I had the little mystery idea stuck in the back of my mind.

            I finished washing my face & I walked to the front of the bus bumping into the wall as we his a little bump. I said good night to my mom & Brian & went back into my little room shutting the door making it completely private. It was extremely hot tonight so I removed my sweats & decided I would sleep in my new victoria secret boy short undies & small tank top. I climbed into bed extremely tired, I looked over at the clock & it was already 11:15 & Justin still hadn’t called, I was worried I was going to fall asleep before I could talk to him. As if on cue my phone started ringing, “hi” I said simply.

“Hey baby, how was the show?”

“It was crazy, insane energy & just an overall great show.”  I said enthusiastically

“That’s great!”

There was a slight pause but I filled it with the question I had all night, “So whats this idea you have?”

Justin chuckled & like he didn’t even hear the question he lowered his voice to a deep sexy tone & asked, “What are you wearing?” I was kind of taken back by the question, “Uh some boy shorts & a tank top, why?” the next thing he said made his idea very clear to me, “Will you take off your tank top?” I honestly tried not to laugh, “Justin is your idea to have phone sex with me?” he hesitated probably nervous of how I would react. “Maybe.” I paused taking in the idea. “Well?” he said impatiently. “Your going to have to find a way to turn me on or its not really going to work is it?” I could hear the excitement in his voice, “Well fuck, I know how to turn you on when im with you but ive never turned you on over the phone.” “Oh yes you have, more times than you know.” I responded with ease. “What really? How?” I decided I was going to make this fun for me, “I guess you will just have to use your creative mind & your smooth swag to figure it out.” I said with a smile on my face. “You’re on baby!”

Justin’s POV

            I had been sweet talking, flirting with Selena for 15 minutes trying to turn her on so we could get my idea of phone sex rolling but she just didn’t seem into it. “Its hard when I have my parents only a few feet away.” I was about to give up when I just said fuck it, I was going to just jump into the sex talk & see if that turned her on. “I wish I was with you right now babe, I would kiss your smooth neck letting my tongue wander.  While my hands explored your lower half hoping to get a small moan from your lips.” I heard her breathing change, it was working, “I would kiss your sun kissed stomach while I rubbed the inside of your thighs, my mouth making its way farther down your body.” I paused to see if she would say something, I just waited, “Why did you stop?” she said in a low quiet voice. I laughed, “So is it working?” “Maybe.” She said with a smirk in her voice. “Alright shall we continue?” I asked, “You’re in charge, tell me what to do.” I like those words coming from her mouth. “I think now is a great time to take that tank top off.” I said with the biggest smile on my face.

            She moaned, damn it I wasn’t going to last much longer, “Babe you close?” Selena responded in a quiet heavy breath, “Almost, say something, I don’t know just keep talking.” Selena had went from not in the mood to DTF in only about a half hour. I continued with the dirty talk, “I would pick you up pressing you to the wall, my tongue exploring your mouth like it was the first time we kissed. I would move my mouth to your neck sucking & biting trying to get another one of those intense moans to escape your lips.” As if on cue one of those low intense moans escaped from her lips & traveled thru the phone officially finishing me. I listened to her breathing start to slow, “That was crazy” I said trying to get to say something so I could hear her voice. “Yes it was, nothing like having you actually here but close enough.” He voice tired, exhausted from playing, “I love you Selena.” “I love you too Justin.” “Its late babe, im gonna go clean up & then go to bed.” She sighed, “Yea me too. I love you & miss you. Sleep good okay?” “I miss you, & I will sleep great tonight im sure. Get some rest love. I love you more than anything in the world, remember that. Goodnight babe.” “Goodnight Justin.”

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