You told me you'd never leave..

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Note: This story is for mature readers only. Meaning that they can take some adult language such as swearing and a little bit of adult content. You have been warned. To read the story, just click read more.

Oh, and this is just a preview on a story that I might do. It would be greatly appreciated if you told me on my ask on what you think of it. 

The bright multi-colored leaves were shedding from the trees, almost as if they wanted to take a rest too. The clouds were dark and filled with moisture in the sky above. Soon water droplets were dripping from the clouds and upon the ground. The day was gloomy and wet. It was the kind of day where you wanted to cuddle with the person that you loved and watch a good movie. The kind of day where you wanted to make different kinds of desserts and not care how about much you eat. The traffic was heavy. As always. That was to be expected. Something didn’t seem right. Somewhere in the world someone was hurting. They were in pain.

Selena looked out the window of the car and traced her finger on a water droplet that was trickling down the top of the window. She narrowed her eyes and tried to follow every movement that it was making. She imagined it being a race car; The top of the window was the start and the bottom of the window was the finished line. It took a few seconds and a couple of twists and turns before the water droplet finally made its way toward the end of the window and dripped onto the ground. Selena sighed and buried her heard into her arms, taking slow and deep breaths. 

“Sel, talk to me. Please.” He said as he placed his hand gently upon her knee. He rubbed his thumb on it and leaned over to kiss the top of her head before turning his focus back on the road. Selena moved her head out from in between her knees and stetched out her legs, making their way toward the floor of the car. 

“What is there to talk to you about, Justin? Really? I saw what you did. I saw you kissing her. You cheated on me. How could I ever forgive you? Just take me home. I don’t even want to think about it. I don’t care if you were drunk. Don’t make up that excuse. You still did it. I saw. You had feeling into it. It wasn’t just an innocent little kiss. You actually liked her. Jasmine. I know you still like her. Just fucking admit it so I can get on with my life, will ya?” Selena was beginning to tear up with frustration. The sight of him kissing another girl was horrid to her. It was like a nightmare that she couldn’t get out of her mind. It was a horrible thought to think about. Her and Justin have been dating for over a year. How could he betray her like this? 

Justin was speechless. He couldn’t reply. Quite frankly, he didn’t know what he felt anymore. Selena was acting so much differently now. It’s like he didn’t even know who she was. She was moody, she was angry all of the time, and the smallest things would fly her off the handle. What was wrong with her? Justin didn’t want to bring it up, because she would probably ignore the topic and ask him why he changed it in the first place. Then he’d be in even more trouble.

The thing was, Justin didn’t feel anything with the kiss. He was drunk. Jasmine was there, and she thought Selena had left his birthday party. He had just turned eighteen the night before, so he decided to fly himself home and celebrate with his close friends and relatives. Justin didn’t even remember inviting Jasmine. He honestly didn’t know how she even got to the party. He didn’t like her at all. Ever since they were dating, she was extremely controlling, and she would get jealous whenever Justin talked to another girl. She hated everyone but him. He still felt like Jasmine still hasn’t let him go. He knew that she hated Selena. He could tell. The way that she looked at her was a cruel look. It was like she wanted to hurt her, and Justin’s baby girl, Selena, getting hurt.. now that’s a nightmare in his own mind.

A few minutes later, Selena turned her head back to peer out the window. It was still pouring down rain. It wasn’t a good day outside at all. For some reason, her heart was pounding. She felt like something wasn’t right. Her stomach was tying up in knots for no reason. She couldn’t even look at Justin ever since last night. She was to disgusted with him. She was still shocked. She wanted this all to be over. Selena placed her long fingers onto the radio and pressed the button. She turned it up to a low hum and lay her head on the window, listening to the music that was playing through the speakers. 

Here comes goodbye, here comes the last time, here comes the start of every sleepless night, the first of ever tear, I’m gonna cry…

Of course that song was playing. That was practical. Selena bit down on her lip and tried to keep herself from a warm, salty tear escaping from the corner of her eye, but that just seemed to be impossible. She was about to break down.

“How could you do this to me?!” Selena screamed, turning her head away form the window and finally looking at Justin.

“How?! Why do you hate me?! I loved you, Justin! I gave you everything! I never cheated on you! How the hell could you do this?!” Selena felt her heart almost beat out of her chest. She couldn’t do this anymore. 

Justin placed his hand off the wheel and felt his face turn red with anger. 

“Selena, please believe me. I’m not lying!” Justin felt a tear escape from his own eye. He was so frustrated that he wouldn’t believe her.

“Whatever. I fucking hate you! Take me home!” She screamed back, bawling her fists together. Selena looked back down at the wheel. No one’s hands were on it. Justin’s foot pressed the gas pedal of the car all the way down and they were probably going about eighty miles. He didn’t even notice.

Selena turned her head, noticing a pair of bright headlights heading their way. 


But it was to late.

The semi clashed into the car and hit the side head on, making it collide into another car. It rolled around and finally stopped. Justin’s eyes were closed. He wasn’t breathing. His neck was clearly broken and he had broken glass stuck into his skin from the window breaking. Selena could barley feeling herself around her. She was in complete and utter shock.

“J-justin..” She mumbled, looking over at his face. It was perfect. Handsome. His eyes were shining. He was beautiful.

“You told me you’d never leave…” And with that, pure darkness.

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