VMAs Behind the scenes

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Selena’s POV

            I leaned over to Justin squeezing his hand, “Hey babe I need to go back & get ready for my award im presenting,” He leaned over kissing my cheek, “okay, work it up there!” I smacked his leg as I scooted passed him, just before I was in the walk way he slapped my ass, “Justin!” I turned to looking at him & he just smile &  winked at me then turned around to talk to Lil Wayne giving him a high five. I rolled my eyes as I headed back stage to get ready for the award. When I arrived where I needed to be I saw Taylor, who I was presenting with. Some might think it would be awkward seeing him considering we had a little thing when we were both shooting movies in Canada early last year. But it wasn’t awkward we had both moved on & we could act like adults & we were friends. I walked up to him, “Hey Taylor good to see you.” He turned & gave me a quick hug, “Hey Sel, you look good tonight, are you having fun?” I smiled, “thank, you look good yourself, & yes im having a great time.”

            We talked a little bit more & eventually we were both watching the monitor backstage watching the performances from there. We were watching a performance when I heard Justin call my name, “Selena?” I turned & yelled, “Im over here.” I turned back toward the monitor as just walked up, “Hey man how you doing.” Just said to Taylor shaking his hand. I was pretty into the performance on screen while they talked a bit when I felt Justin’s hands brush my sides. I turned toward him leaning into his lips not even caring who was watching, “Mmm” he said as we parted, “That was a good one.” I giggled as he grabbed my hand, “So how long you two been together?” Taylor said kind of quietly I looked at Justin, “Well in a couple months it will be a year.” Taylors eyes widened, “That is great! You two look so happy.” “We are.” Justin & I said in unison. I looked at him a giggled. “Come this way Miss Gomez & Mr. Lautner” it was time to present, I kissed Justin again & whispered in his ear, “I told you he was cool, nothing awkward.” Justin smiled & mouthed the words “You were right.”

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