Truth or Dare.

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“I can’t!” Selena whined. She went from her cross-legged position on the bed to a kneeling one.

            “Babe, you have to. It’s the name of the game.”

            “No, the name of the game is truth or dare. It does not mention anything in the title about a requirement to – “

            “Selena.” Justin looked her in the eye and she immediately stopped her squirming around. The eye contact made her palms sweat and her heart race and when he nodded towards the window, she had no choice but to obey.

            She rolled her eyes and slid off the side of the bed. “I cannot believe you are this immature.”

            He laughed and pulled out his phone, prepared to take a video.

            Selena pulled up the hotel window and looked down at the streets of New York City. No one seemed to be paying attention. Maybe they just wouldn’t hear. Of course they wouldn’t hear. They were on the 32nd floor. Yes, everything would be fine. She turned around to take one last look at him to make sure he was actually serious. He held his phone up in anticipation. She turned back to the window.

            “MY NAME IS SELENA GOMEZ AND I JUST FUCKED MY BOYFRIEND!” She screamed it literally at the top of her lungs, per Justin’s request, and immediately slammed the window shut to make sure no one could look up and see that it was, in fact, Selena Gomez screaming from a window.

            Justin was rolling around on the bed unable to catch his breath from laughing so hard.

            “What is so funny babe?” Selena teased walking over to the bed. “You didn’t think I would actually do it, did you?”

            “I didn’t know you would scream it that loud,” he choked. “And I didn’t know it would be word for word.” He still couldn’t control his laughter.

            “Oh, so you think fuck is too bad of a word for me?” She pressed her mouth against his ear. His breathing was ragged from laughing but his heart began racing with a different feeling.

            “I’m just not used to hearing you say it, I guess.” He turned his head to meet her lips, but she pulled away and returned to her spot across from him on the bed.

            “Oh no, babe, not so fast.” She smiled and grabbed his phone from him, searching for the video he just took. “Truth or dare?”

            Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. “You’re really going to do this to me?”

            “Come on, babe. It’s only fair.”

            “Fine. Dare.”

            Selena smiled at the power he had just given her. She had to come up with something good so she took his phone from its spot in her lap and scrolled mindlessly through his twitter, laughing at the ridiculous things that his fans said about him.

            “What are you looking at?” He grabbed his phone from her.

            “Jeez, I’m just looking at your twitter. You got something to hide, Bieber?”

            “No, here.” He threw the phone back into her lap. “But are we still playing this game or not?”

            “We’re still playing,” she said as she unlocked his phone again. “I’m brainstorming.”

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