Never Been this Happy.

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Justin cast a sidelong glance at his girlfriend as they walked. Dressed in casual, comfortable ‘lazy clothes’ for their daily stroll, Selena still managed to look positively heavenly bathed in the hazy, amber glow of the sunlight.

He noticed that Selena had a hint of a smile on her face. Already gripping onto her hand, he gave it a gentle squeeze.

“Hey, what is it?” Justin prodded, feeling his own face breaking out into a grin.

Selena looked at him quickly. She blinked.

“What, baby?”

“You were smiling….”

“I was?” Selena’s eyes widened. She was a horrible liar. Even with her long-haired extensions partly covering her face, Justin could see a soft pink tinge her cheeks.

And now…you’re blushing!” Justin cooed. It was too adorable.

“No I’m not…” Selena grinned even harder and downcast her eyes.

“Tell me what it is!”

Selena remained silent. She stared at the sidewalk.

“Oh, come on! You can tell me anything, baby…especially if they are sexy, explicit thoughts concerning me…”

Selena’s slender shoulders shook with laughter. “No, no…it’s nothing like that!”

“Then what is it?”

Selena bit her bottom lip, hesitant and unsure.

“Well, it’s the voices in my head. They make me laugh…”

Justin’s eyes widened. He stopped walking and stared at Selena in horror…

Selena cracked up into a hysterical fit of laughter.

“I’m just kidding, Jay!”

Oh my God!” Justin heaved a huge sigh of relief, chuckling as he did so. “I was just gettin’ ready to run!”

The two shared a moment of hearty laughter, drawing brief, curious glances from people walking along the streets.

“So,” Justin wrapped his arms around his girlfriend’s waist and pulled her close. He leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Can you really tell me why you were just randomly smiling?”

Sel grinned. “Well, I love going out for walks….but I love them even more with you. You just…you really are perfect. When I’m with you, I just forget about all the crap going on…I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.”

To his surprise, Justin could feel tears threatening to spill over.

“Really?” He choked out. This was all he could manage, his voice husky.

“Of course, Justin!” Selena chirped.

Overwhelmed with emotion and unable to express his feelings vocally, Justin leaned in and kissed Selena tenderly, yet passionately, on the lips. This caused her to jump slightly.

The young actress was only stunned temporarily, however. She soon kissed him back with equal emotion and care, never wanting this to end.

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