Hockey Game

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Justin’s POV

            “Wait so what’s going on?” Selena asked, her eyebrows burrowed in confusion as she tried to figure out what was happening down on the ice. I wrapped one arm around her & pointed down to the ice trying to get her to understand whom they were trying to get the puck & score.

“Okay, okay I get it.” She smiled & placed her arm around my neck & I slid my arms around her waist.

“You know you’re really cute in that jersey.” I flirted.

She winked at me, “You think so? Its pretty comfy.”

I just smiled at her taking in every ounce of her trying to memorize every inch of her body.

“Are you having a good time?” I asked licking my lips as my eyes fell to her lips following their movement as she responded.

“I’m having a great time, thanks babe.” She pressed her hand to the side of my head giving me a slight side hug.

“Kiss me.” I stated closing my eyes & pursing my lips.

Selena giggled, “You want a kiss?”

I opened my eyes to look at her, “Yes please” I quickly shut my eyes & puckered my lips. With in a few seconds I felt Selena’s soft full lips cover my & with a gently suck she pulled away.

“Mmm” I mumbled snuggling close to her side as we both looked down at the game.

Selena’s POV

            “Justin its not going to work give it to her to take the picture.” Justin had been trying to take a picture of us with my phone but he couldn’t get the phone far enough away to get us both in the frame. Finally he listened to me & had the lady next to us take the picture. We both stood up & smiled Justin’s arm slung over my shoulder. We turned back to the game Justin’s arm still slung over my shoulder & I reached up tangling our fingers together.

“You have no idea what’s going on huh babe?” Justin giggled looking at me. I tore my confused gaze from the game to smile at him.

“I understand everything, I could go down there & coach the team if I wanted to.” I joked.

Justin just leaned down a huge smile on his face & kissed me,

“I love you.” He laughed pulling away. We both continued to giggle as we watched the game I pretended I was the coach yelling at the team.

            Half time had just ended & Justin wasn’t back from going with Kenny to talk to some guy. I picked up my phone scrolling thru all of the pictures we had taken in the first half of the game. My smile grew bigger & bigger with each photo, when I heard loud cheering I torn my gaze from my phone to look down at the ice & there was a fight going on but it was quickly broken up by the refs. Just has I placed my eyes back on my phone I felt his hands run up my sides causing me to flitch & stand up turning around.

“I’m back baby.” Just sang.

I laughed & rolled my eyes as Justin sat down then pulling me on his lap. Justin kissed my shoulder & his hands slowly crept around my upper body.

“Justin” I said in a warning tone but with a smile on my face. He quickly drug his hands down my chest resting them on my waist.

“Sorry couldn’t help myself.” He said with a huge grin plastered on his face.

I turned to look at him, “You’re not sorry.” I laughed.

“& you liked it” he said back.

“Whatever.” I said turning back to look at my phone.

He ran his hands up under my jersey lightly tickling my bare sides.

“I just said hello & now we have to say goodbye again.” Justin breathed quietly into my ear.

I quickly turned to him & kissed his lips.

“We are not talking about that yet,…. Please not yet.” I pleaded with my eyes.

Justin stared into my eyes kissing my lips again.

“So how bout them Jets.” Justin laughed changing to the subject.

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