Haunted House

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Justin’s POV

            “Wanna do something normal?” I asked my eyes fixed on Selena’ small figure lying across my bed. She propped herself up with her elbow her smile sweet with wonder.

“Something normal, like what?” She asked as I walked over to the edge of the bed looking down at her.

“I can’t believe I’m about to say this,” I said with a slight smile on my lips. “lets go to a haunted house.” I closed my eyes waiting for her sarcastic remarks about me always making up excuses to get out of watching or doing scary things.

“Are you serious?” she asked excitedly looking up at me.

“Yeah, I figured it is that time of year & I know how much you love that kind of stuff, plus we haven’t done anything that’s normal.”

Selena rolled onto her back with a huge smile on her face,

“I love you” she said as I leaned forward hovering over her.

“Oh so I only get I love you’s out of taking you to houses full of scary, creepy things!” I teased lowering my face to hers, she laughed,

“If you make it thru the whole thing then you might get more than an I love you.” She flirted.

I quickly kissed her lips & then stood back up grabbing her hand pulling her off the bed,

“Well lets go get this over with.”

She slugged my arm, “Don’t act like its torture.”

“But it is, there are people being tortured in these things!”

She laughed as we headed out the door, “Its fake & you know it.”

“That shit doesn’t seem fake when you see it!” I said letting my tough guy image down.

She stopped before getting into the car & turned to me running her nails down the side of my neck & catching her lip between her teeth before she whispered in my ear,

“For once getting scared might get you something you actually want to do.”

I swallowed hard as I watched her turn & climb into the car my eyes fixed on her ass before she sat down. I had to get the shit scared out of me to get a little action from my girlfriend, as the guys would say, I’m whipped.

Selena’s POV

            We were going to do the haunted house experience just let everyone else did, buy the tickets & wait in line. No special treatment, no cutting lines, just waiting like everyone else. Lucky for us not many people had noticed us waiting in line & the line moved quickly allowing us to get into the house before anyone came up to get a picture or an autograph. We entered the haunted house & Justin immediately wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. I placed my hands over his & we walked slowly in the dark smoggy room. We heard another group scream in front of us & I felt Justin tense,

“This is not right, you are suppose to be more scared than Me.,” he whispered in my ear.

I laughed squeezing his hand just as a dark figure jumped out to the side of us,

“Shit!” Justin said jumping closer to the wall pulling me with him. This wasn’t going to be scary at all for me, I was going to enjoy watching Justin freak at every little movement.

            I knew we were nearing the end when I heard the chainsaws, I could already picture what the set looked like. Three different doors out, two being dead ends & one being the real way out. A few guys with chainsaws chasing you while you tried to find the right one; it was standard haunted house rules. We entered the room & sure enough there were three doors,

“Which one?” Justin whispered as he pushed me to the far right.  It was quiet & I was just waiting for the chainsaws to start up, before I could even finish my thought on where the chainsaws were they fired up & came straight towards us. Justin freaked out, pushing & pulling me in different directions all the while screaming his head off. I was laughing as we entered one door & it was a dead end & one of the guys cornered us revving up the chainsaw Justin hiding behind me.

“Excuse me we need to try the other door.” I playfully asked.

That’s when the guy stopped & turned off his chainsaw & stared at us still blocking the way out.

“Ya & I thought the chainsaw was creepy, you just standing there in silence is much creepier.” I said trying to slide past him Justin holding my hand tightly.

“You’re Selena Gomez aren’t you.” The man asked completely out of character.

Justin & I both stopped,

“Dude you broke character, you had us totally freaked with the whole silence thing going on.” I said nicely.

“Damn, sorry, kind of got star struck.” The man said, he was still blocking the way out kind of making me nervous.

“Yeah so let us by & get back into character.” Justin said from my side.

The guy didn’t move he just reached down & started the chainsaw again & took a step forward, Justin & I both screamed and pushed past him running to the next door which was luckily the way out. We came out of the door & into the parking lot stopping to catch our breath.

“That guy was good.” Justin said placing his arm around my back as he lead me over to where our driver was waiting.

“Scared the shit out of me at the end.” Justin said opening the door for me.

“I know he even scared me.”

Justin & I both laughed as I leaned into his side getting comfortable for the half hour ride back to Justin’s house. We were quiet, just listening to the music for a few minutes until I looked up at him thru thick dark lashes & asked,

“So do you think it was worth it?”

Justin looked down & kissed me deeply, I kissed him back slipping my tongue into his mouth for just a second before grazing my teeth against his bottom lip. I pulled away smiling & looked deep into his eyes.

“If I get kisses like that for getting the shit scared out of me, I will gladly go thru that again on a daily bases.”

I laughed cuddling closer to Justin,

“Naw I wont torture you, I kind of like you.” I teased

“Thank god.” Justin said kissing the top of my head.

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