You're my Forever.

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Selenas phone buzzed as she played with Baylor in her room. Justin had been so busy with his new Album, she was so proud of him. Of how far he had gotten, and she knew that he was just as proud of her with her movies as she was with his music. She licked her lips as the dog jumped on her lap and cuddled up into her stomach. A lot had been on her mind lately. Most of it had to do with the hate coming from her twitter, and the fact that her mom and Brian were trying so hard for another baby. It was all crazy for her. Her head was spinning in thousands of circles and all she could do was just sit there until something happened. She sighed a little bit and looked at the clock. Two minutes, two minutes until Justin would be getting out of the studio. She smiled a little at the thought. They had planned a date today, well… it was more of a “Justin and Selena relaxing day.” They were probably just going to sit on her bed and talk or something.

One minute… Thirty seconds… Her heart started to beat faster as she thought about him. Why though? She had seen him yesterday, and the day before. It was just something that he ha on her. He could make her feel like the happiest girl on the planet without even trying. There it was, the buzzing of her phone and a knock on the door. She smiled and grabbed her phone, reading the text that lit up on her screen. “Guess who (;” It read with the word “Juz10 Has Swaggie” On top. Justin had changed his name to that in her phone a while ago. She smiled and bounced down the stairs and to the door. She bit her lip, holding back her smile from growing any larger. “Is it… Shia Labeouf?” Selena said with a smile as she opened the door. “Hey baby.” She mumbled and pulled him into the house.

His crooked smile, brown eyes, and perfect lips. “Pull up your pants, babe.” She said raising her eyebrows at him and giggling a little. “You know i could just take them all the way off.” Justin said with a shrug and pulled them up a little bit, but not too much. She didn’t have that much control over him… most of the time. “My guitar is still in your room right?” He asked with a sly smirk on his face. “Uh… Yeah, unless you know. Some crazy person broke in and stole it.” She said and licked her lips. “Hey, don’t get smart with me.” Justin said with a smile as he connected their lips for a quick kiss. “Come on.” He whispered and grabbed her hand, pulling her back up the stairs and into her bedroom. Selena bit her lip and crawled onto her bed and smiled at him as he grabbed his guitar and sat down next to her. 

“So it isn’t finished, but uh… It’s about you… So i uh… you know, just wanted you to hear it… before anyone else did.” Justin said and swallowed. He was so cute when he was nervous, whether he denied it or not. He was. Selena smiled brighter as he spoke, she felt her cheeks heating up and turning a light pink. She smiled and watched as his fingers glided along the strings of the guitar, and then her eyes fluttered up to his lips as he sang. It was a beautiful melody. Obviously, he knew which kinds of music she liked. She smiled as she heard his words, comparing her to the sun, comparing them to Romeo and Juliet. It was all so magical. She moved a little closer to him and smiled as he finished up.

“Yeah, like i said, it’s not don-” He started before Selena interrupted him with a kiss, pulling him close and smiling in between it. She pulled away with her eyes still closed. She could kiss him forever if she needed to. Selena opened her eyes and smiled. “I love it. I love it, I love everything about it. And I love you. So much.” She said with a smile as Justin laid the guitar down and pulled her into his lap. “And i love you more.” He whispered before connecting their lips once more.

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