Everyone Breaks.

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Selena’s heels echoed in the empty back stairway of Sony Studios, the home of The Voice. She had tried coming in the front, but too many people had recognized her. Her bodyguards had quickly managed to get her around the back of the building, shoved her into the back entrance, and basically abandoned her. Now, she was running up the stairs as fast as her strappy heels could take her.

            By the time she reached the top, she was completely out of breath. She swung open the door and was met by two very confused security guards.

            “Hi, I’m looking for Justin?” She smoothed her hair with her free hand.

            “How did you even get up here, Miss?” One of the guards asked as he started to move towards her.

            “Whoa, whoa, whoa,” she said, backing away so quickly that she almost fell back down the stairs. “I’m Selena Gomez, I’m looking for my boyfriend. Just ask anyone here, please just tell me where he is.”

            The two men gave each other a sideways glance, but still would not budge.

            “Ok, fine. Is Scooter here?”

            “Miss, you’re going to have to go back down the stairs, or else we’re going to be forced to call some back-up.”

            Selena was about to protest again when she saw an arm reach through the wall of bodies blocking her way, take her by the hand, and pull her through. The next thing she knew, she was being rushed down a long hallway lined with personnel. She barely had time to identify the face that was Scooter.

            “Jesus, where have you been?” His hand was on her back pushing her down the hall at an alarming speed.

            “I’m sorry, there was a huge crowd.” She was having an extremely hard time walking so fast in her shoes and almost fell flat on her face. “Oh my god, Scooter calm down. I’m gonna kill myself in these shoes.” He looked at her briefly, but kept walking at his speed, dragging her along with him. “What’s wrong?” Again, no answer. She abruptly stopped in her tracks and he kept walking.

            “Scooter. What’s wrong?”

            He knew that she wasn’t moving so he turned around and walked back to where she was standing. He stood right in front of her and looked around to make sure no one was listening. Her heart starting slamming against her chest. What was going on?

            “He’s freaking out,” Scooter said under his breath.

            “What do you mean he’s freaking out? Is he ok?”

            “No, physically he’s fine.” She let out the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding in. “He’s just so nervous. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. He doesn’t wanna go on stage.”

            Selena tore her eyes away from his stare. She had no idea why Justin was nervous to perform for the first time in his life, but she did know that everyone was depending on her to help him. She had gotten a call from him that he just “needed her there”. He was set to go on in an hour and had no intention of doing so.

            “Alright, where is he?”

            She took a deep breath as she watched her own hand slowly push the door open. There was no one there. Then she looked behind the door and saw a couch that had been pushed into a corner.

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