On The Same Page.

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Note: I have no idea what actually happened. I just made stuff up to fit into the story.           

            Selena and Justin had been sitting on the couch in his living room for fifteen minutes now, listening to Scooter lecture them. They felt like they were back in kindergarten with their backs straight and hands on their laps. Justin was still in his mood of defiance and rolled his eyes at everything Scooter said to him while Selena sat there paralyzed with embarrassment, scared to say anything to defend herself even though she had really done nothing wrong.

            “You can’t blame me for getting out of the van, Scoot,” Justin repeated for maybe the fifth time today. “There was no way I could move without running one of them over.”

            “Justin, I understand. But there was no need to hit him.”

            “Jesus, I didn’t hit him!” He rubbed his hand over his face in frustration and then shot up from his seat. “If he presses charges, I didn’t do it. End of story. I’m not wasting my last day with my girlfriend talking about something that didn’t happen.” And with that he stormed off leaving said girlfriend sitting on the couch across from Scooter, who slowly sat down on the coffee table. They waited for the slam of the door and then Selena let out a long breath.

            “I’m sorry this had to happen,” Scooter said sweetly.

            “It’s not your fault at all Scooter, there’s no point in apologizing,” Selena responded, looking down at her hands. “Sometimes he just gets like that. I don’t see what he thinks he’ll accomplish by punching him. All the fans saw it…”

            “So he did hit him?” Scooter jumped on a possible truth after all of the crazy accusations.

            “Of course he hit him,” Selena said quietly as she picked up her head to look Scooter in the eyes. “Why else would he be so angry? He wasn’t angry about the paternity thing because he knew it was all false. With this, he’s pissed that he did something wrong and he’s scared it’s gonna hurt him.” She dropped her head into her hands. She had handled it so well at the scene, picking up his shoe and his hat and talking to the fans. She had done nothing wrong yet she felt like she was even more upset than Justin.

            She felt Scooter’s hand on her back. “It’s ok, Sel. Everything’s ok. You know better than anyone how he gets. He was just trying to protect you.”

            “How is that protecting me?” She snapped back, bringing her head up to look at him again. “Paparazzi say crazy things. They’ve said so much worse. Him fighting back just made it all worse.”

            Scooter looked into her shiny eyes and then in the direction that Justin had stormed off. “I think you need to go to talk to him.”

            She nodded softly and rested her head on his shoulder. “Thank you,” she whispered. Before he could respond, she got up from the couch and walked towards his bedroom.

            She found him on his bed staring at the ceiling. He had heard her come in and then close the door behind her but he didn’t move, so she just stood right in front of the door waiting for him to say something. But he stayed quiet, completely ignoring her presence.

            “So this isn’t wasting the last day with your girlfriend?” Her voice was low and she tried to remain calm, but he still didn’t answer. “I mean, I was planning on ignoring it like you wanted to, but now that you’re being a drama queen about it I have no choice.”

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