The Hate.

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“Baby, where are you going?” I asked, confused. Selena quickly turned around. “Justin, I just can’t do this anymore.” I furrowed my eyebrows, worried. “What do you mean Sel?” I looked at her. She sighed. “This. Us. Together. Look, I love you and everything, but… I just can’t handle all this hate I’m getting. Everyone hates me and loves you and everything I do is wrong and I just can’t deal with it anymore. I’m tired of people cutting me down and thinking that I’m always going to break your heart, it’s not fair.” I cut her off. “Baby, not everyone hates you. You’re being delusio—” She interrupted. “I don’t want to hear it Justin,” She started raising her voice. “I’m not being delusional. You are. I’m being realistic. There’s a huge difference. People think you’re like the perfect poster child who can do no wrong whatsoever, and everything I do gets put under a microscope, I can’t hang out with Cameron without someone calling me a slut or a whore and claiming I broke your heart. It’s not fair.”

I started to get angry. “You know what Sel? Maybe if you wouldn’t always be around Cameron and stuff people wouldn’t be like that. Maybe if you weren’t so secretive about our relationship and answer questions in interviews then maybe people wouldn’t think you’re that bad of a person. Maybe if—” I got distracted because I realized Selena had started crying. I stopped yelling at her and put my arms around her.

“Baby I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry.” I squeezed her tight. She tried to push away, but I didn’t budge. “GET OFF OF ME” She screamed right in my ear. She started punching my chest. “Selena, stop.” She looked at me with an icy glare. “You always say you don’t mean it when you say something that hurts my feelings. Well here’s an idea; if you don’t mean it, don’t say it, because I might do something stupid, and oh, I don’t know, believe you.” Tears kept streaming down her baby face and I felt guilty as fuck. 

“Selena, you know I go off when I’m mad. I can’t help it. You should know me better and understand that I don’t mean that stuff okay. Maybe I just get hurt when you don’t want to talk about me because well, I feel like you’re ashamed of dating me. I answer questions about you every time, and I always make sure people know how amazing you are and how much you mean to me. When you shrug off simple questions about us it just sort of hurts. And the whole Cameron thing… okay you know I’m the jealous type and I know the dude’s got a crush on you. Any guy in their right mind would. I don’t want to hurt you baby, I want you to be happy. As long as we’re going strong, can’t you just forget about everyone who says we can’t and won’t make it? Can’t we prove them wrong?” Selena started to smile through her tears. “I knew the charm would come out.” She quietly said, wiping her tears off of her porcelain face. I smiled. “Only for you, love.” She looked up at me and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I leaned in and kissed her more passionately than I’ve ever kissed anyone in my entire life. I smiled through out the kiss. She pulled away and looked at me. “I love you, Justin.” I smiled. “I love you too, baby.”

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