Meet Mom again

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Justin’s POV

            “Hey Mom can you come here?” I yelled from my room. I heard her light footsteps & she poked her head in my room, “Yeah sweetie?” I looked up to her, “So uh Selena & I hung out ya know the other day & uh..” she laughed, “Why are you stuttering? Just spit it out?” I looked at her as she made her way to sit on my bed next to me, “Fine. She’s my girlfriend now!” I smiled so proud at her & watched her face go from shocked to a smile, “She is a very sweet girl, make sure you treat her like you should.” I laughed, “Mom I am going to treat her like gold! She is beautiful & she said she would be my girl friend I can’t take that lightly!” She hugged me, “That’s my boy.” I scrunched out of her arms, “Mom I’m a young man & I’m dating an older lady!” I said moving my eyebrows up & down. She stood up ruffling my hair, “behave young man!” I laughed & grabbed my phone pressing Selena’s name.

            “Hey Beautiful girl!” I sang into the phone as Selena answered, “Justin I said we can take it slow!” She said giggling. “That is slow, I’m just stating the facts.” All she could do was giggle. I loved when she giggled it was so cute! “So I just told my mom & I think you guys should go out to lunch or something.” “Justin we have already met, & I have hung out with you & your mom many times. You do remember we were friends for like 2 years before last week right?” “Yeah but you haven’t met my mom as my girlfriend yet!” “Okay give the phone to your mom so I can see when she has time.” I took off down the stairs into the kitchen yelling, “Mother!!” “I’m in here Justin!” my mom yelled from the office. I stopped in the door way, “Selena wants to talk to you.” I handed her the phone, “Hey sweetie how are you? Hows your mom?” I laughed at the girl conversation that was about to go down as I situated my self on the floor to listen.

Selena’s POV

            “Hey Sweetie how are you? How’s your mom?” Pattie’s sweet voice echoed over the phone, “My mom is doing great & I’m trying to deal with your son.” I laughed & so did she. “So Justin says you wanted to talk to me?” “& Justin tells me you want to go out to lunch as Girlfriend & mom.” She laughed, “So he has forgotten that I’ve known you for almost 2 years before you were his girlfriend.” “I guess he has.” “Well it would be nice to go out to lunch with you. You’re the busy one so when works for you?” I looked through my schedule, “Well tomorrow I have rehearsals for my show but I have a 2 hour lunch break if you want to go then?” “That works perfectly, I can pick you up at the set at what time?” “Yep Lunch starts at 12.” “Okay I will see you then.” “It was nice talking to you Pattie.” “You too sweetie, here’s Justin.” “Yay my 2 favorite girls going to lunch.” Justin said with excitement. “You are such a dork! I have to go to more rehearsals now so I will talk to you later.” “Okay call me when you are done maybe we can hang out tonight if I get done in the studio early enough.” “Okay ill call you later Jay.” “Bye beautiful.” “Bye dork.”

            I climbed into Pattie’s car & we drove off to a small diner not far from the set. “So how is your show going?” Pattie asked as we stopped at a red light, “It’s going really well, it’s a blast.” “That is so good, glad you are doing what you love.” “yeah I’m definitely living the dream.” “You & my son both.” We smiled at each other as we parked & headed into the diner. We got a table & ordered our food, we talked about work, about Justin & about me dating Justin. “I always thought you two would be cute together, When Justin first met you he constantly talked about you & told me every detail every time you guys hung out.” I giggled while taking a drink. “Really?” I managed while picking at my food. “Yes he would describe what you wore or how your hair looked or what color your eyes were that time.” I smiled at the thought of Justin from the very beginning 2 years ago he paid so much attention to me. “That’s funny.” I said no sure what else to say.

            We finished eating & she dropped me off back at the set & I still had about 45 minutes until I was due back for rehearsals. I went to my dressing room telling David hi as I passed. I closed my door & sat on the couch pulling out my phone calling Justin hoping that he would be out of the studio on break. “Hey Sel, how was lunch with my mom?” I laughed, “Just like all the other times I have had lunch with you & her.” he laughed, “It had to be a little different since you are now my girlfriend.” “You like to say girlfriend don’t you?” “Only if your name is with it.” “Oo you are so smooth!” I said giggling “Your mom did tell me that you had a thing for me when we first met.” “How could I not have a thing for you, you’re gorgeous!” “& you’re a flirt!” “I try.” He said in a smug joking voice. “Well I better get back to work, call me when you get out of the studio.” “Alright will do. Bye Sel!” “Bye Jay!”

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