One Small Problem.

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            “Mmm, Selena,” Justin whispered as he pressed his lips against hers.

            They clumsily made their way through the doorway; mouths connected the entire way through. The room was silent except for the sound of lips and against lips, intertwining tongues, and the moans that came in between.

            “I missed you so much,” Selena muttered into his ear, biting his ear lobe, traveling down the length of his neck with little butterfly kisses.

            Justin’s heart quickened to an even faster pace, if that was even possible, and an intense surge of passion shot through his whole body. She missed him? Jesus, she had no idea. He put both of his hands on either side of her waist and pressed her against the wall. When he felt her moan vibrate from her lips to his own, he pressed every inch of his body that he could against hers. Every curve fit perfectly.

            “I missed you more,” he said, as his hands traveled up her shirt, exploring for what felt like the first time.

            “Impossible.” Selena tightened her grip on either side of his face and Justin bucked his hips against her in return. She let out a moan and followed his lead, and in seconds they were in a rhythm, rubbing against each other, climbing.

            Justin couldn’t take it anymore. “I need you now,” he whispered against her neck. She let out what sounded like a laugh, and he took that as permission to sweep her off her feet and lay her down onto the bed. He marveled at her perfect body for a few moments, spread out in front of him laced with need  - all for him.

            “I love you,” she said, already in a dreamy, incoherent state, just before his mouth had closed against hers again. Slowly, he worked his hands down to her pants and started to slide them off. His brain told him to slow it down and cherish this time they had together, but his body was telling him otherwise.

            “I love you more,” he said as he carefully unbuttoned her jeans.

            She stopped moving. “Babe,” she whispered. He was at the zipper now. “Babe,” she said a little louder. He wrapped his arms around both of her thighs, bringing his head closer to the warmest spot on her body.

            “Justin!” She sprang up to a sitting position and scooted to the edge of the bed so she could cup his face in her hands. He looked so incredibly sexy. So turned on. His eyes were completely glazed over, his mouth hanging open, unable to control his heavy breath. He looked like a desperate puppy. But sexy. His hair was a mess, and she loved it so much like that, she couldn’t resist running her hands through it. He leaned into her touch, and for a moment they were back into their rhythm, Selena was falling into the hypnotism again. His eyes were like magnets to her own, she couldn’t control the way her body was drawn to him. The way they touched and moved together was something that was just so good – she couldn’t defy it.

            In one motion, he took off his shirt and reared his body over her, pressing her deep into the mattress with the weight of his body. They were completely connected again, every inch of their bodies in sync.

            He buried his face into the curve of her neck, kissing and sucking, bringing out a loud moan. “Justin,”

            “Yes baby,” he said, softly biting the skin.

            “Justin,” she repeated, trying to get a hold of his head to pull him up for air, but his mouth on her skin and his erection pushing into her leg was too much to handle. She was lost in him. But she needed to just…

            With his lips still devouring her neck, he navigated his hands down her torso and to the hem of her shirt. He slowly, agonizingly slowly, pulled it up past her belly button, then over the swell of her breasts, revealing the perfect, lacy bra underneath. When he got the bunched-up material to her neck she finally snapped.

            “Justin!” The sharp word was like a splash of cold water to his face. He immediately came out of his hypnosis and snapped back to reality.

            “What is it?” He was hovering over her, their noses centimeters apart. All of his weight was on his forearms, placed on either side of her perfectly curvy body.

            She looked away from his eyes drawing her in. “I have my period,” she whispered.

            “You what?” He smiled. So what? Was she just telling him this to gross him out?

            “It’s not funny babe,” she looked at him, “we can’t…”

            His smile disappeared and turned into panic. “What are you talking about? Of course we can, I don’t mind a little blood…” He started to move his hands down toward her, but she wriggled out of the way.

            “No, it’s…heavy.” She blushed and looked away, obviously embarrassed. Justin tried to protest, but she was not budging. “We can’t, Justin. I’m sorry.”

            He stayed in his position for a few moments, hovering over her, his breath still heavy, eyes still glazed and glaring with need. After he realized she really wasn’t kidding, he finally rolled over and threw himself onto his back in defeat.

            “Jesus Sel,” he groaned in frustration, vigorously running a hand through his hair. She saw the ridge in his pants quickly disappear. “You can’t do that to me.”

            “Do what to you?” Selena propped herself up onto her elbow and looked down at his desperately beautiful body.

            “Tease me like that!” He cried, looking at her anxiously. “You just don’t, you don’t…you don’t do that, ok?”

            She was speechless. She hadn’t realized that this would be so torturous for him.

            “Babe I’m sorry, I just missed you so much, I couldn’t just not let you touch me…” she reached out and cupped his face with her hand, but he ignored her touch.

            “You could have warned me in the beginning,” he whispered, closing his eyes.

            “I’m sorry,” she said quietly, but he had already made his point, she knew he was done discussing it.

            For a few minutes, they were silent in that position. Selena’s hand massaged the side of his face, and he just lay there, calming himself down. After a while, his breathing returned to normal and he opened his eyes. He looked at her like she was the only person in the world, like she was the only thing that mattered – because she was.

            “It’s ok.” He smiled. She smiled.

            “Come here, you crazy…”

            She squeal-laughed as he took her by the waist and pulled her under him, tickling her in all the spots he had come to know as her weakest.

            “Justin!” she cried between her hysterical laughs, swatting her hands everywhere, trying to get a hold of him.

            “This is your punishment, baby,” he grinned. He was quick and strong and clearly was not letting up.

            “Aahh! Stop!” She playfully slapped him away every time his hand tickled her skin.

            Finally he plopped himself onto the bed next to her. Both of them were so out of breath that they both just lay there, panting. Eventually, they caught their breath and everything was silent and still again.

            Justin sat up and moved so that his upper body was covering hers and cupped her face with his hand. “I love you so much,” he said, planting a gentle kiss on her mouth.

            She smiled. “I love you, too.” 

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