Tattooed on my heart

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Selena’s POV

            “Jay are you ready to go?” I yelled from the front door of my Texas home. I heard him coming down the stairs as I heard Ryan Butler honked outside back from picking up Pricilla.

“I am ready to do a little racing!” he said slipping his arm around my waist pulling me close to him,

“Its just fun don’t get crazy” I said kissing the corner of his mouth before I grabbed my purse & we headed out to get in the old beat up cars we got to mess around in. We headed to a small hidden pond where I had played when I was little, there was a long dirt road that the boys wanted to race the cars down.  We pulled onto the dirt road & stopped side by side, Pricilla & I hoped out of the cars, I walked over to the driver side & leaned down to look at Justin through the window.

“Don’t get crazy & be safe” I smiled & kissed his lips,

“I love you,” we mumbled to each other in unison.

I peered over Justin’s car & over at Ryan,

“Don’t get crazy & be safe!”

He nodded his head & Pricilla & I backed away,

“Ready Set…Go” Pricilla & I yelled throwing our hands down & the boys took off.

We watched as Justin pulled ahead just as they past the point they dubbed as the finish line.

“Is it bad that I’m glad Justin won?” Pricilla said as we walked down the dirt road shuffling our cowboy boots in the dirt.

“Nope, Jay’s a sore loser so he would whine the rest of the day.” I chuckled as we watched the boys turn around & head back toward us.

“I missed seeing you in short shorts & cowboy boots, brings you back to your Texan roots,” Pricilla said bumping her hip against mine.

“I missed my cowboy boots & Jay seems like them” I smirked as the boys parked the cars & jumped out.

They wrestled a bit joking around about Justin cheating & Ryan would have won, I shook my head & walked over to them.

“Hey lets not tear each other apart & go up to the water?” I said slipping my arm around his waist. Justin slapped Ryan one last time on the cheek & quickly pulled away kissing my cheek. We all laughed & headed up the hill to the pond hidden back in the trees.

Justin’s POV

            “Just do it Pricilla!” I yelled trying to get her to swing on rope into the water.

“Why are you making me do this? Sel hasn’t done it yet!” She yelled from on top the rock.

“Selena’s next but by the time you go we’re going to be back in LA” I joked

“Fine fine I’m going” she said grabbing the rope & squealing before she jumped & swung out over the water & let go splashing into the water.

“Whaoo!” I yelled putting my hands on Selena’s bare waist & pushed her toward the rock,

“You’re turn beautiful,” I whispered in her ear,

“Ahh! But I’m scared!” she said turning around trying to get away,

“No no no, you have to do it!” I said blocking her,

She gave in climbing up onto the rock & grabbed the rope wasting no time to swing across & splash into the pond. I quickly grabbed the rope & swung in after her splashing next to her.

“Oh my god its cold!” I said getting close to her, I watched her teeth chatter as we swam to the edge. Ryan was already handing Pricilla her towel & I hurried over grabbing Selena & I’s. I wrapped the towel around her shoulders & we all headed over to the blanket we had laid out with a couple bags of food.

We pulled out bags of chips & sandwiches for everyone,

“So how’s your albums & acting going for you two?” Ryan said trying to make conversation.

 Selena & I groaned,

“Lets not talk about work” Selena said taking a bite of her sandwich.

“Yeah we have to go back to that in 2 days & I don’t want to talk about it” I sighed

“Okay okay” Ryan said looking up in thought,

“So uh…how’s the relationship going?” Ryan smirked

I squinted my eyes at him,

“Relationship talk is normal, what the hell are we suppose to talk about then?” Ryan said tossing a chip at me.

“What about your relationships?” Selena said quietly

“We can talk about ours but not yours?” Pricilla asked a confused look on her face.

“Our relationship is all over the Internet & magazines I think you guys know pretty much everything,” She said shrugging as she reached for another chip,

“I don’t really pay attention to that much.” Ryan said,

“But I do hear that Justin’s killing everyone else’s game” Pricilla chimed in,

“Yeah I would like some tips here” Ryan said

I looked over at Selena & smiles,

“I don’t know I just do everything I can to make her happy, I want to spoil her & give her everything she deserves.” I leaned over kissing her cheek as she pulled at a strand of her hair.

“& I want to do the same thing, he’s my best friend” She said reaching over & touching my cheek.

“Damn it you two are making me feel even more forever alone!” Pricilla sighed dramatically.

Selena leaned against me & laughed,

“Sorry, but your man is out there somewhere & your girl is out there too Ryan, you just have to be patient, I was lucky enough to find the right one early & I couldn’t be happier” Selena leaned up kissing my jaw.

“I guess” Ryan & Pricilla said together both giving up on the conversation.

Selena’s POV

            We all finished eating & Justin stood up grabbing my hand,

“Lets go for a walk,” he said helping me up.

“We will be back,” I said tangling my fingers with Justin’s & grabbing onto forearm,

Ryan & Pricilla looked up at us from their conversation & nodded as we headed off to the open meadow on the other side of the pond. The sun had started to go down & the sky was a golden color, we stopped at the open meadow & I leaned against him & he kissed the top of my head.

“You know you’re my best friend too,” He whispered against my hair,

I looked up at him; “I’ve fallen in love with my best friend”

He cupped my face in his hands,

“You’re tattooed on my heart forever, I know we’re young but I’m truly in love with you,”

I couldn’t get my words out so I just kissed his lips telling him through touch how I really felt. Our lips move slowly gently sucking & biting, I pulled away catching my breath,

“Come here” Justin, said leading me over to a tree close to the water.

He bent over picking up a sharp rock, I watched over his shoulder as he started carving into the tree. I took his hat off his head & placed it on mine & draped an arm over his shoulder as I watched him continue to carve. He brushed his hand over the carving in the tree & dropped the rock & looked back at me,

“You’re tattooed on my heart & now my love for you is tattooed on this tree,”

I looked at the tree & my hearted melted as I saw “I love you” carved into the tree. I smiled & Justin smiled back before he pressed his lips to mine.

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