In Sickness and In Health.

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Justin POV:

Selena Calling

I smiled and picked up the phone, “Hey baby.”

“Uh, Justin? It’s Mrs.Teefey.”

“Oh my god. I’m sorry-“

“No need.” She laughed. “Listen, don’t panic, but Selena’s going to the hospital.”

My heart stopped beating as I gulped. All these images came to my mind. Selena laying in the middle of the road, beaten up in an alley, anything and everything that could worry me. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know. She says she has a headache and she’s vomiting and passing out. Brian and I are flying in to see her now.”

“I’ll be there.” I replied, walking out of the studio to wave my arms at Scooter in the hallway. Motioning for him to come to me, Mandy spoke.

“She’ll love that. You’re not too busy?”

“Never too busy for my girl.” I replied.

“Thank you, Justin. See you later.” I heard her smiling through the phone as I hung up.

“What’s up, Jay?” Scooter asked as I replied with everything. He said I could have two days off to spend with Selena and I jumped on the most recent flight I could get to Florida.


Selena POV:

I laid in the bed, IV strapped to my arms. Mom and Brian sat in the chairs next to me, sipping coffee and laughing. This is so not my day.

I tried to fall asleep when I heard loud footsteps entering the room. I looked over and saw Justin wearing sweats and a t-shirt. “Oh my god!”

“Babe!” He replied, wrapping me into his arms before sitting on the hospital bed. I was smiling like crazy and I looked over at my Mom. “Did you do this?”

She nodded and I scooted over, patting the other side of the bed. Justin carefully slid down next to me, maneuvering over the chords. I laid down and leaned my head on his shoulder. “I missed you.”

“I missed you, more.” He smirked. “But I am worried about you.”


“Why? I got a call you’re in the hospital. Wanna tell me what’s up?” He replied.

I looked into his eyes and glanced over at my Mom. Brian saw my uncomfortably and whispered to my Mom. “Let’s leave them alone.”

After they were out of the room, I gulped as Justin asked again, ”Baby, tell me what’s wrong.”

“The doctor said I’ve got anxiety. I guess I’m just too busy all the time.” I shrugged. “And he said I have issues with missing people.”

He smiled lightly, “I know. I feel so bad when I leave you, God, it’s all my fault.”

“What? No, Jay. It’s not.” I assured him, touching his arm. He bit his lip and leaned over to kiss me.

“I just don’t like it when you leave me.” I smiled as he deepened the kiss. He nodded and mumbled a “Agreed.”

We pulled away and I looked at him. “I’m happy you’re here.”

“I’m happy you’re better.”


Justin POV:

“Selena! Justin! Smile please, just one picture!”

“C’mon, one?!”

“You guys are so cute together!”

“Selena, what’s wrong?”

“Justin, look over here!”

The paparazzi screamed at us as we walked out of the clinic. Selena had gotten blood drawn and was a little dizzy, so I tried my best to hold her hand steady. The flashes blinded me as I looked over to Mandy and Brian to make sure they got into the car. They scooted in the front as I directed Selena into the car.

“No, you first.” She replied, turning us around. I raised an eyebrow and got into the car, pulling her with me lightly.

“That was crazy.” Brian commented as we drove away. He grabbed Selena’s mom’s hand and I saw her smile.

By now, Selena had her head on my lap, half asleep. I bent my head down to hers and whispered. “I love you.”

“Love you, too.” She mumbled, scooting her body closer to mine.

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