Hershey Park

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Justin’s POV

            “This is going to be so fun!” I looked at Selena she was trying to do something with her hair finally giving up, “Oh what ever, hand me your Pirates hat I just wear that & be done.” I laughed & threw the hat at her. she put it on messing with her loose curly hair. “Okay im ready.” I walked over to her grabbing her hands lifting them up & intertwining our fingers together. “You are so adorable, I love you.” Her cheeks began to turn that cute color of pink & she looked down, “Thanks babe love you too.” She leaned up & kissed my lips then quickly pulling away, “We need to go now I have a concert tonight & I want to get a few roller coaster rides in.” I laughed as we walked out the door. We were going to the Hershey park to go on a few rides & hang out, I was hoping things weren’t going to get too crazy while we were there.

            When we got to the park things were pretty calm & we got to go on a few rides without many people noticing who we were. We were on a small roller coaster waiting for it to take off when the person behind us tapped on Selena’s shoulder, thinking it was a fan going to ask for something even on this ride I was about to open my mouth when the girl said, “You two are crazy for wearing hats on this ride, I would hold onto them if I were you.” We laughed & said thanks for the info, the girl laughed & like we were close friends the girl turned to Selena & said, “I hope you & Justin have a great day.” & she said back into her seat just as the ride started to take off. I hardly noticed the ride I was just surprised at how that girl acted, respectful but still stating that she knew who we were.

Selena’s POV

            We had just gotten off a ride & we were going over to get Dippin dots, I started to notice more & more people gathering around us. Kenny must have noticed too cuz he started to become more guarded of us & spoke fast & soft into his phone. We eat our dippin dots & headed to another ride, we got to cut in line & I hated it but we couldn’t wait in line because of fans & I wanted to wait but I knew that it wasn’t possible. When we got off the ride I couldn’t believe my eyes there was so many people, we were going to have a hard time getting around. As I expected Kenny had called for security knowing things were going to get crazy. I reached for Justin & he reached for me. I grabbed his hand, he made me feel safe. He knew that i get scared around so many people & papz & he tightened his grip on my hand. Things began getting rushed & the walk way began to narrow. Justin began loosening his grip & removing his hand, I began to panic, what was he doing I needed to feel his touch. I grabbed his few fingers becoming kind of clingy but I didn’t care I needed him. & then I finally caught on to what he was doing, he was putting his arm over my shoulder to bring me in tighter, I help his arm go around my shoulder & molded myself to him. Things began to clear out as security took care of the crowd. “Sorry I didn’t know what you were doing I didn’t mean to seem clingy.” Justin looked down & me kissing my lips, “You will never be clingy to me, I want you to want me.” I smiled at him, “I love you.” He looked at me, “I love you too baby.”

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