Games at the Dinner Table. ( Part 1 )

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            “Dude, he was ill. I’ve never seen him like that before. He was like bam, bam BOOM!” Fredo swung his hands around in circles as he attempted to explain Justin’s performance through interpretive dance. In his excitement, he almost hit Scooter in the face. “Even when he fucked up the lyrics for that one second—“

            “Hey!” Justin cut in, taking his hand off Selena’s leg and using it to point directly at Fredo across the table. “That was completely and totally on purpose, dude. Swaaaag,” he slurred out the word and leaned back in his chair, clearly obsessed with himself. But it was ok. They were out to dinner to celebrate his accomplishments, so he had a right to be conceited. As for every other day of his life, it just wasn’t as justified.

            “Chill out babe,” Selena laughed, resting her hand on his leg concealed by the tablecloth. His leg twitched, startled by her touch and their eyes met. They smiled.

            “Alright, please no lovey dovey stuff, Jay,” Kenny pleaded. “I’m not sure I can take it after all this crap about you missing her twenty four hours a day.”

            “Kenny!” Selena’s jaw dropped in mock horror.

            “I’m sorry sweetheart, nothing against you. This boy’s just got the lovebug.”

            People around the table let out an “awww” and Justin just smiled and shrugged his shoulders, being his adorable, innocent self.

            The conversation slowly shifted away from the young couple and took a turn toward Justin’s schedule for the next few weeks. Although this was a celebratory dinner, his job could never just be left out of the equation.

            Selena wasn’t interested in his plans for the next few weeks; she was just focusing on the fact that they were together right now. Her hand was still on his leg, but she had subconsciously started rubbing small circles up and down and he hadn’t really noticed. He was quietly eating his spaghetti, clearly exhausted from the past few days. She wasn’t hungry.

            She glanced around at the table to make sure everyone was preoccupied with a different conversation. She started to add pressure on his leg as she rubbed it up and down. He stiffened a little bit, noticing the change, but continued eating his meal. Selena ran her teeth across her lip, getting excited by just imagining what she could do to him with just a hand on his leg. He reached for his glass of water and she squeezed his upper thigh. He slammed his other hand on the table in shock as water sprayed out of his mouth.

            “You ok, JB?” Fredo asked. All attention immediately turned to Justin. He swallowed loudly and took a deep breath.

            “Yeah, fine.” When everyone turned back to their conversations, he shot Selena a warning look. “What are you doing,” he mouthed. She just smiled and shrugged in response. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “Just wait until after dinner, babe. Don’t do this to me.” And he resumed eating his meal.

            She took her hand off of his leg and took a bite of her dinner, engaging in a conversation with Usher for a few minutes about Justin’s new dance moves. But her mind was completely somewhere else. She loved having control over him.

            After Usher had turned back to his food, Selena gently put her fork down and returned her hand to his leg. He didn’t even seem to notice. She slowly, agonizingly slowly, moved it up and up and up and finally reached him. Now he noticed. She watched him closely. He had basically frozen in his position, his fork and knife still in hand, but his eyes focusing on something in the distance, trying to maintain his self-control.

            She squeezed. He immediately dropped his silverware to the table and let out a cough. She started to massage him and she felt him immediately get harder. He started to cough again, louder this time, the only alternative to letting out a moan.

            “Justin?” Scooter’s face was etched with concern. “You alright?” Justin slyly grabbed a hold of Selena’s wrist under the tablecloth and took it off of his jeans. He held it in place centimeters above him, not wanting her to leave him just yet.

            “Yeah, yeah,” Justin reassured him, “I just had something caught in my throat.”

            Fredo shot Selena a look from across the table, clearly aware of what was going on. He shifted his eyes to Justin and raised his eyebrows. Justin just shook his head. He slowly released his hold on Selena’s hand and resumed eating his pasta.

            She took his signal and resumed her game, feeling him respond to her touch. He kept a straight face, but she knew he was going to snap at any minute. There was no way he could tolerate this much longer. She wondered how he was planning on getting both of them out of this restaurant at the same time.

            It went on for the next few minutes, Selena teasing him, torturing him really. She would let up and then apply more pressure and then take her hand off completely. And then it would start again. He really wasn’t the only person being tortured. The way his body was responding to her and the way he was restraining his face was just turning her on even more. Finally, she decided to make her move.

            “I’m sorry guys, I’m not feeling so well.” Selena took her napkin off her lap and stood up from her seat. “I think I’m gonna go back to the hotel, go to sleep early.” Everyone told her to feel better and get some rest. She took her bag from under her seat and stole a glance at Justin before leaving. She was planning on leaving him hanging, but his face was just too good. She leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. There was no need to say anything; she knew that he would be joining her soon.

            Justin’s eyes followed her out the door and when he turned back to the table, all eyes were on him. Everyone was silent. “What?” He asked innocently.

            Most people around the table were stifling a laugh or trying to ignore what was clearly going on. Some, like his mom, were completely oblivious. Usher smiled at him, Scooter gave him a warning look, Kenny was laughing. Justin stared down at his plate and focused on the situation between his legs. At the moment, he couldn’t get up and follow her if he wanted to.

            “So Justin, you gonna go and make sure your girl’s ok?” Fredo asked, breaking the awkwardness.

            Of course that’s what he wanted to do, but he knew it wouldn’t be acceptable to everyone else at the table. He looked at Scooter, waiting for an answer. He just continued focusing on his food, refusing to meet Justin’s gaze. Well, it wasn’t a no.

            “Yeah, I’m just gonna make sure she’s, uh, ok.” Justin said, getting up from his chair. “She said she felt sick earlier today…” Everyone had to know he was lying but his acting skills weren’t his best when his mind was somewhere else. Without waiting for a response, he turned away from the table and walked towards the door.

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