First Date.

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In this one shot Justin and Selena are both normal kids from Grand Prairie Texas. 

Selena’s POV 

I straightened my hair and covered my lips in my favorite lip gloss as I got ready for my date with Justin. I have waited so long for this date and now that it was finally here I have no idea what to do. “What should I wear? How should I act, like one of the guys like I normally did or like a girly girl like all the cheerleaders acted around him?” I asked myself looking through my closet holding a pair of denim skinny jeans in one hand and a short white bandeau dress in the other. I took a deep breath and tossed the jeans on my bed sliding into the dress. Justin had never seen me in a dress before so I hoped it would be a refreshing change. Justin was the quarterback on our high school football team in Grand Prairie the Warriors, he was the one every girl in each grade no matter if they were a senior or a freshman they still wanted to go out with him, but Justin and I have been really good friends for a while I never thought of him in that way until just the past few months. 

“Selena Justin’s downstairs” My mom knocked on my partially closed door.

“I’ll be right down” I said as my heart began to race from nerves. I slipped on my grey boots and grabbed my purse before walking downstairs. Justin stood in the doorway with his hand in his hair as he stared at the tile pattern, my heels clicking after each step caught his attention causing him to look up.

“Wow Selena, you- you look great” He said straightening his posture with a wide grin.

“Thanks” I said trying not to giggle.

“Have her back by eleven” Brian said in a stern tone.

“Yes Sir” He held out his hand waiting for me to take it before leading me out the door and into his old rusty beat up ford that he drove proudly.

“If you ain’t a 10 you’re a 9.9 Tippin’ n’ spillin’ that home-made wine On your tied up T-shirt Every little kiss is drivin’ me wild Throwin’ little cherry bombs into my fire-” Luke Bryan’s song Drunk On You was softly playing through the speakers when I slid across the torn up vinyl seats.

“Sorry-” He said reaching for the volume dial.

“Wait- I like this song” I stopped him turning it up.

“-Girl, you make my speakers go boom boom Dancin’ on the tailgate in a full moon That kinda thing makes a man go mmm hmmm You’re lookin’ so good in what’s left of those blue jeans-” I sang along as Justin gave me a smile and pulled out of the drive way.

“So what do you have planned?” I asked turning the volume down and sitting back.

“You’ll see” He said with a devious smile. I leaned back and listened to the country music played through the speakers as we turned onto a dirt road.

“This isn’t the part of the date where you kill me and leave me on a creepy dirt road is it?” I asked playfully.

“No, just trust me” He said gently wrapping his arm around my neck keeping one hand over the steering wheel. After driving for another minute or so he stopped in front of an sign but it was to dark for me to read what it said. “Come on’” He gently pulled me out his door and held onto my waist as we walked down the dark graveled pathway.

“Where are we?” I asked.

“Do you trust me?” He asked looking down.

“Of course” I said as we’ve known each other for the past six years.

“Okay then” He smiled leading me the rest of the way into a small barn, it was so dark I couldn’t see the end of my nose. “Wait here” He said stepping away for a moment before flipping a light switch.

“Oh-” I said in awe taking a few more steps until I was nose to nose with a gorgeous white and black spotted horse.

“You like?” He asked walking over petting the gorgeous horse.

“I love, what’s her name?”


“She’s amazing” I said admiring her strong legs and perfectly groomed coat.

“I’m glad you like her, I remember you told me how much you loved riding so-” He said throwing a sadle across her back and strapping it together.

“I- I’m in a dress” I said with a sigh knowing I should have chosen the jeans.

“I have an extra pair of sweats if you want?” He said with a smirk grabbing them out of a cabinet and stretching the waist band showing how big they would be.

“I’ll manage” I laughed sticking my boots through the stirrups and getting situated. He pulled another horse around the corner that was just as beautiful as Bella.

“This is Conner” He said jumping bare back on the horse, “You know what to do?” He asked, I gave him a smirk and gently tapped the horses side in the right spot making her take off out of the barn.”I see you wanna race!” He shouted coming up behind me. I couldn’t help but laugh as loud as possible, it felt great riding a horse again. It had been so long, the warm wind in my face blowing my hair back as we made our way through the fields. “I’m gonna get you Gomez!” He shouted with a laugh.

“I’m gonna beat your ass Bieber!” I replied making the horse go faster, I had no idea what would be the finish line I just wanted to keep going until we ran out of field. After riding for another few minutes trading jabs at each other Justin and I finally came to a stop next to each other letting the horses run wild as we tried to calm our laughs.

“Ok you win! You win!” I said as he lifted me off the ground by my waist spinning me around. I pushed on his shoulders staying in the air hanging my head back as he continued to spin me.

“So are you having fun?” He asked slowly lowering me back to the ground.

“I am, thanks for this” I slid my arm around his as we started to walk the long distance back to the barn.

“So I was wondering if it would be weird if I kissed you now” He said looking forward avoiding eye contact. My heart began to race even faster than before as I pulled his arm back making him stop and turn towards me.

“I don’t know,I guess we’ll have to see” I said with a smile looking up towards him. He closed his hands as his shaking hands held tightly onto mine he leaned down and gently pressed his lips against mine. At first it did feel weird, I mean we’ve been friends for so long and now were kissing? But after the initial contact it was amazing, sparks truly flew around us. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my toes trying to get closer to his height.

“Not weird?” He asked pulling away.

“Not at all” I smiled leaning back up continuing the kiss.

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