One Shot.

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*Selena’s POV*

“Justin can you go buy me chocolate, please?” I asked kindly as I cuddled up close to him on the couch. We had been watching movies the whole day and he had slept over the night before because my parents were out of town and I didn’t want to be home alone.

“So you want me to just go out there and buy chocolate for you?” He chuckled.

“Oh and tampons are also very needed right now if you don’t mind.” I joked. I didn’t care if I told him about this, he was my boyfriend and he had learned to deal with it. I had just gotten it today and I needed to warn him somehow.

“Ugh don’t tell me you got that thing.” He groaned. “Now I have to deal with you and your moods.”

“Justin!” I gasped and hit his arm. “You know you love dealing with my moods.”

“Yeah, I totally love dealing with your moods.” He replied sarcastically.

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes. “But can you please go buy me chocolate?”

“No I will not go buy you chocolate!” He yelled.

“Please?” I begged.

“No!” He laughed.

“But why not?” I frowned. “I have to bleed for a whole week, the least you can do is go get me chocolate.”

“C’mon, you have to have chocolate around here somewhere.” He sighed as he got up from the couch and went into the kitchen, looking everywhere and I followed close behind. “You have nutella, that’ll do.” He shrugged as he took the nutella jar out.

“But I want actual chocolate.” I pouted. “I don’t want nutella!”

“Selena.” He whined. “You are extra cranky this time.”

“I want chocolate!”

“Then go get yourself some chocolate!” I can see by his facial expression that he was trying his hardest not to laugh. He really enjoyed seeing me like this.

“Justin I have cramps.” I tried my hardest to make the tears come out, my acting skills really did help at times like these.

“Are you about to cry?” He asked shocked.

“Maybe.” I whispered as I looked down, hoping the tears would fall any second and that it would make Justin feel guilty.

“Selena.” He groaned. “I love you.” He sighed and gave in, walking towards me and wrapping his arms tightly around me.

“I love you too.” I looked up at him and irrupted into giggles when I saw his face. I was a good actress… except when it came to acting in front of Justin. “Got’cha.” I stuck my tongue out.

“So you’re not on your period?” His eyes lit up.

“Yes! But I’m not gonna cry over it.” I laughed.

“I hate you.” He rolled his eyes.

“I love you too, babe.” I chuckled. “But can you still go get me some chocolate?” I looked at him innocently, hoping he would cave in.

“No!” He quickly replied. “I will not go buy you chocolate.”

“Please?” I begged.

“Nope.” He wouldn’t budge.

“You are the worst boyfriend ever!” I screamed in his face and tried to stop myself from smiling.

“Oh really?” He raised an eyebrow and started tickling my sides.

I started laughing and eventually ended up on the floor. “Stop it!” I yelled and tried pushing him away with no luck.

“Uh-uh. Karma’s a bitch.” He winked and continued tickling me.

“Stop it!” I giggled. I couldn’t take it anymore so I took his face in my hands and brought my lips to his, kissing him passionately to make him stop.

“Well that made you stop.” I laughed once we pulled away.

“No fair.” He sat on the floor next to me and crossed his arms across his chest. “You always find a way to win.”

“I always win.” I whispered into his ear seductively, knowing this would drive him crazy and indeed it did.

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