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I low-key scared myself with this chapter, cause I kinda zoned out while typing this thing but uh... read at your own risk I guess

I'll...I'll add a safe space for ya'll to go to in this chapter so you're welcome.

The wording is: Naru goes Rawr!


The raven hybrid had snapped, as there in front of him laid both Naruto and Menma curled up into each other on the cold bloodied floor, the shirts they had on were barely covering them, let alone keeping them warm. Taking a deep breath he carefully removed his bag and placed it down, he was going to try and calm them down later.

But right now...

Right now...

He was TICKED. Actually, he was way more than just Ticked.

So leaving the twin foxes in the room with the door wide open so they could have some form of light or at least try to escape if they could move and with his bag there they could take it with them if they like.


With Sasukie, he had completely lost control when Sasuke showered up and was really letting the man have it by smashing his face repeatedly into the wall over and over and over and over agian as he growled angrily. But the more he slammed the man's head into the wall the angrier he got because he was still moving, the man was still trying to fight for his life even with his face being disfigured and nearly destroyed up until the body was limp.

But not from lost consciousness, no. But from his heart-stopping along with a loud sickening crack that brought Sasukie back to reality. 

"Crap," he says when he saw the man's blood on the wall, he then pulled away but when he noticed the body hadn't gone down yet he looked over and saw his brother and nearly wet himself.

"S-Sasuk-" Sasukie couldn't even finish his sentence when he heard another sicking sound of bones cracking and popping when his brother slowly pulled the man's spine directly from his back taking his crushed heart along with it.

But the raven hybrid wasn't done yet as he tossed the useless spine and heart to the side and then worked on slowly dismembering the man's body making sure no one, could put him back together not even in hell itself as a large smile made its way to his face at the sheer thought of it, his tail wagged with excitement.

Sasukie just watched silently not able to move from the very spot he stood in too scared to even look away.

Seeing as his brother was having a field day with a dead man's carcass as blood went everywhere due to how messy Sasuke was with his operation which further scared Sasukie as this would possibly be the first time he's seen his twin brother smile...
He did not know what Naruto saw in that smile...Cause that smile right there...It was pure psychopath, no way can that be cute nor charming, just straight up terrifying.













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