Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

Today was the day. The day I had been waiting for. Fifteen times. Fifteen court room days without him. He wasn't at any of them. Anna said that he wasn't allowed to, since they didn't want him to see me and make me be silent about things. It's been months since I had seen him. He was still in jail, waiting for the last words of the Judge. According to Anna, it was weird that there was no trial when I was out of there, but they still haven't caught him. He was still out there. The thought made me want to throw up, but I pushed the thought away. I stood in front of the mirror, not brushing my hair since my curls didn't really allow me to. I didn't much of them though. I put on my shirt, walking downstairs. Anna greeted me with a smile.

"I see you are very excited to see him?" she smiled at me. I nodded, fidgeting with my hands. I had been staying here for months, fulfilling Iyaz's wish that he made when I saw him the last time.

He was handcuffed, walking towards me with some men next to him. My eyes were glued to the handcuffs, thinking of how familiar they were. I touched my wrists, feeling the pressure of them on it. Iyaz neared me, yet my eyes couldn't move away from the handcuffs.

"Don't think about it. That is over. Don't worry, I am okay" he said, making me look up at him. I took a step towards him, wanting his scent to hit my mind. He took a step forward too, closing his eyes. There it was, the secure smell that made me forget everything for a moment. Our noses were about to touch when he took a step back. He looked me deep in the eyes, trying to let his message get through.

"Anna is nice, stay with her till this is all over. Focus on yourself. I don't know how long it will take, but when I am gone, focus on becoming better. Learn. Try. Don't let yourself down because I am not there to pick you up" he said, reminding me of how I wasn't going to see him. He took a step forward.

"Promise me, Beau" he said when the officers grabbed his arms. I nodded, looking him in the eyes.

"I promise"

I put my coat on that Anna got me before we drove off. I had memorized the road by now since I had been there for quite some times.

"Are you nervous? Today will be the last time" she said. I nodded, thinking of what could happen. They will either place me in a house with other girls and women, or they will let me stay at Iyaz's. Anna had found a lawyer for me, who was a nice man. She wanted the right that she was going to be my supervisor, so she wants to talk to me every day and come visit me to see how I was doing. She also wants the right therapy for me, yet she didn't know what Savannah and Richard did to me.

"I want to stay with them" I said softly, which she knew. After staying at hers, we talked a lot about Iyaz and his family. In the end, she knew that he was not the bad guy and that he wasn't hurting me. She also went to their house a few times without me, saying that she was going to talk. Every time she came back, she was nothing but positive. Anna had been putting her work aside and was helping me. She assigned me a teacher who came everyday to teach me things. It was weird yet it was fun. I was remembering quite some things that I didn't tell Anna about. She took me out and we went to different places where she would tell her life stories. I really liked hearing about her, since it was all new for me.

"I know" she said and we were both silent after that. The tension of the air was almost unbearable, since we were both stressed about the verdict, as Anna taught me.

"We're here" she said, what made my heart beat faster. I thought I was going to jump out of the car and run towards Iyaz, but for the first time, my feet felt heavy and I had a hard time getting out of the car. I knew I was going to be faced with the answer today, which made me feel bad. These people had been tiring themselves for me and that's why I felt guilty towards Iyaz. He didn't deserve to suffer just because of me. Anna came and stood next to me, holding my hand. We walked slowly inside, going to the same room we had been in for fifteen times. I took a deep breath when we went inside, looking around to see him. I saw his family who smiled and waved at me. His mother was crying, yet she sent me a smile and a thumbs-up. I smiled back, feeling the guilt from before arrive. I didn't know what guilt was till Anna taught me. I had tried to explain my feelings and she taught me the words.

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