This is it

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Assalamu aleykum.

This is it. I can't even believe it. This story is finished now. It also means that I stop writing stories. I will never stop writing, but I feel like I am at the end of this chapter in my life. I have been writing on here for almost four years now, after I started reading on here to improve my English. I needed an outlet after I lost my best friend and fight my depression. Wattpad has taught me so much. You guys have taught me so much, I can't even believe it. My best experiences were on here, through you. The sweet comments, the dua's – everything you left me is permanently marked in my heart. I might leave, but I will always be here. I am so happy that I left a mark on Wattpad too, having this small circle of wonderful people. I really miss the old ones from three years ago, that had been in the beginning. I feel like they all moved on with their lives and I am still stuck on the same page, being on here and writing. I did enjoy it though, don't get me wrong, but I felt like I am 21 now, and needed to move forward to other challenges and adventures. I am writing this with such a weird emotion. It's so weird to think that this was the ending. In You, my Punishment, I said that the ending was just the beginning. Now the beginning for me is the ending.

Thank you all so much for reading my works that I strongly believed in. If you have a goal, believe in it. When I first started Wattpad, I really went for it with the mindset that I would have millions of reads. That happened. So with whatever you do, put your trust in Allah first and then put all you hard work into it. You will succeed. In shaa Allah, we all will succeed and meet in Jannah.

I hope my works taught you things and that it would always stay in the back of your mind. You guys will always be a part of my life, and I can't wait to tell these memories when I get older. Thank you so much & I love you..

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