Chapter 85

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Chapter 85

Iyaz was calling with the people from the newspaper that published the piece that was my reality. I didn't want to listen, but I couldn't help but hear him. Also, he was just being loud as always. Iyaz stood by the window, staring out the window while talking.

"I need to know the person who sent that, or at least the one who wrote it. It's really important" Iyaz said, trying to reason. The man on the other side didn't understand why he wanted to have some information, while its illegal since its privacy.

"Look, I understand, but it's actually about the girl that's been described. She is now sitting next to me and we really want to find her family. Please, just help us" he said, this time calmer. It was silent for a while before Iyaz jumped towards the nightstand and grabbed the paper and pen. He wrote down some things before he ended the call with a smile.

"I have the name and address of the guy who wrote this" he said, holding the piece of paper up. He smiled to himself, while I moved away to the bathroom, locking myself. It felt weird. It felt like someone was intruding into my space. Finding out who I was was even harder to accept than to find.

"Beau" I heard Iyaz from behind the door. I wiped my eyes before I went and opened it. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked me. I shook my head.

"Just thought of some memories" I said, lying slightly. Iyaz looked at me for a second.

"Don't. Don't you ever think of that hole anymore. It's over, let it just be like some nightmare that you thought was real. It's not happening anymore, trust me, I won't let it happen again" he said and I shook my head.

"It's not that. Don't worry, I am able to shut those memories out" I said. I knew that Iyaz wanted to know what was going on, but how could I explain what I was feeling when I couldn't name it. He kept silent, walking away and sitting on the small couch that was in the hotel room.

"Do you still want to find them? I never really asked what you thought of it all" he said, blaming himself again, just like always. I went over to him, leaning against the wall.

"No, I like that you do all the work. It might sound selfish I know. But I just know that if it was up to me, I would stop right away. Not because I don't want to know, it's just that I'm scared" I admitted, looking down.

"What are you scared of?" he said softly. I let the tear fall that wanted to fall desperately.

"Rejection" I whispered for the first time, remembering the times he would tell me that my family never wanted me, that they were quite happy that I got kidnapped, that was what they had told him after he kidnapped me. His words.

"Why?" Iyaz said, standing up and leaning against the wall beside me.

"I am scard that they were never looking for me, because I would've found them immediately. There was a freaking amber alert, Iyaz, yet we can't find any information about them. That's not how it works and you know that too, I'm not stupid. What if they just didn't want me? What if they were actually quite happy that they got rid of me? I don't want to know if they do" I whispered the last part. It was silent for a few minutes, the air comfortable.

"How I wish I could hug you right now, squeezing all your broken pieces together" he said, making me chuckle slightly.

"I can't promise you anything other than doing my best to find them. I can't promise you if they will love you or not, if they wanted you or not. But the only thing I could promise you is that I will be there, no matter what. Because I want you" he said, walking away to the door. He then opened it but stopped, turning around.

"Do you remember how to pray?" he said randomly, making me think about it. Images of how to flashed through my mind and I nodded without knowing, making him smile.

"Then it's time for Asr, go and pray, empty your heart" he said, walking out with a last smile, leaving me breathless from what he had admitted like it was nothing.


Around 5 chapters left guys!! IMO it needed more chapters and it needed to go slower but I really want to finish it and also for you guys, so a lot of things will happen in these chaps! Excited!

What do you think will happen in those last chaps? I would love to know what yall are thinking, so I could laugh at you when you are wrong loooooool

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