Chapter 7

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A short hour had passed now nine o' clock at night, and nearly a pitch black shade of dark, when Harry and Coral had been sitting down on a bench on the edge of the lake. The cold midnight air blew against their goosebump covered skin. The faint sound of trees crackling and plants whistling filled their ears as wind speeds began to grow heavier. Coral turned her head to view the sight of Harry looking out towards the lake with his eyes sparkling. They had spent nearly an hour just talking about each other and their interests. Surprisingly enough, they both learned that they had a scary amount of things in common. As the night grew colder, Coral and Harry decided that it be time they head back into Hogwarts to go to bed since ten o'clock was curfew.

"It's getting kind of cold, Coral. Do you want to go inside? Harry politely asked, with a weak smile on his face.

"Yes, it's probably a good idea it's freezing." She said back sadly not wanting to leave the amazing location they were sitting. She didn't want this night to end, she could sit talking to Harry forever and would be okay with that.

"I'll walk you to your common room, I know where the Slytherin common room is located since I snuck around the dungeons last year." He offered, with Coral accepting since she didn't want to get lost.

Walking through the corridors and long hallways, they finally reached the cold, dark corridor of where the Slytherin common room would be. They stood staring at the entrance both wanting to just go back to the Gryffindor common room and stay there together. Before Coral went to walk inside, Harry stopped her by grabbing her hand.

"Hold on, watch this!" Harry said with excitement as he pulled his want from his waistband smiling.
He took his wand and began to flick his wand in this air, writing something on the wall in red and orange sparks.

Coral furrowed her eyes brows trying to figure out what it would be.

"Magic." The sparks spelt out in the air.

"That's the coolest thing I've seen at Hogwarts so far, congrats on impressing me, Potter. Impressing me is something that's quite hard to do." Coral applauded, while Harry returned a dorky laugh.

Harry leaned in, pulling her into a hug. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, see you tomorrow Harry." She replied, watching as he walked away off towards the staircases to get to the Gryffindor's common room.

Turning back towards the door in front of her, she sighed in frustration, realizing she didn't know the password to her own common room.

I don't know the password.. how am I supposed to get in and go to sleep. Can my day get any worse?

Coral sneered at the door as it wouldn't open. She began panicking, pacing back and fourth in the hallway for what seemed to be a good minute or two. She came to a hault, only when she was interrupted by someone clearing their throat from behind her.

"Can't get in blood traitor WolfRose? Potter loving Coral?" Draco jokingly spat out with amusement. "Snape 'outta give you a detention when he sees you out after hours."

Coral was too worried to fight back the way he wanted, she wouldn't give in to his horrible attitude.
"Just let me in." She huffed, not daring to look at the blonde. If she did, she'd end up raging.

Draco scoffed. "Pure blood!" he angrily growled at the the door waiting for it to open.

The door opened and he rushed inside running up towards his room, making sure no one saw that he let her in. After all of the bad things he said about her earlier that day to the other Slytherin, they would only call him a hypocrite if they saw him helping her.

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