Chapter 21

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Sage and Coral quickly made their way to detention. They had talked the whole way as they made their way. Conversations were just so easy between the duo. Coral had regretted the time she thought Sage was annoying. A cold breeze flew onto her face, sending chills down her spine. The night air crept onto their bodies as they stepped foot outside towards Hagrid's hut. They made their way to the location, knocking on the door wait for an answer.

The door instantly opened.
"Yer' three minutes early!" Hagrid chuckled.

"Hagrid, what exactly are we going to be doing during detention tonight?" Coral curiously questioned, looking around the hut.

"I haven't decided that quite yet! We are waiting for one more student he should be here any second."

The aroma of the cracking fireplace filled the air inside, bringing a warm feeling to everyone inside. Coral looked around the room studying it and everything inside. Three loud knocks on the hut door boomed through the room. She was shocked to see a familiar platinum haired Slytherin boy on the other side. She was still disgusted by him from earlier.

"Not Draco." Coral whined.
She didn't want to admit it, but she was kind of annoyed at him at the moment.

Draco had heard what she said, sneering at her.
He had taken a seat next to her. Coral felt like she was going to throw up. All she could smell was alcohol and Pansy Parkinson.

"Okay kids, tonight you're going to be helping me by the lake. We have to find lumois flowers for a potion I am trying to make to cure one of the schools sick hypogriffs. They are located in the bushes and plants right off the lake and forbidden forest. Off we go now, grab a basket."

Coral did as told, grabbing a basket then scurrying out of the hut to get away from Draco. She couldn't stand the stench of Pansy on him any longer.
She quickly followed right behind Hagrid, hoping Draco wouldn't catch up. She looked behind her, to notice Sage and Malfoy had been arguing up a storm.

"Hagrid, isn't the lake currently prohibited for students?" Coral nervously questioned.

"Yes, but I am in authority, and if I allow it then it's fine." Hagrid retorted back.

The whole way there Malfoy and Merlin continued to argue. Malfoy even started a pointless argument with Sage, about how his shoe laces were untied and how untidy he was. After what seemed to be at least fifteen minutes of quickly walking, they made it to the lake. The lake appeared a shade of pitch black. The hairs on Coral's arms were standing straight up. She gulped in fear as she thought she had heard a crackle in the bushes.

"Alright, were going to split into two groups to make this gathering process faster. Malfoy you're with me. Merlin and Wolfrose you're together."

Coral watched in desperation as Hagrid and Draco went in opposite directions, their appearances fading out slowly.
"Im terrified!"

"It's fine, we have the Emerald transfix's remember?" Sage whispered back.

"Okay, sure but have you ever actually encountered any form of real danger with this thing on?"

"Well, no but I know for a fact we are protected Okay?!" Sage sassed, looking around nervously. "We should really start picking these flowers or we will be here forever."

The forest and lake surrounding were filled with pure silence. It made the situation even more deathly terrifying. Just a few minutes into picking the lumios flowers, Coral had noticed the temperature quickly began to drop down to an insanely freezing temperature. She jumped back in shock, as she could see her breath in the cold air. She grabbed onto Sage's arm terrified.

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