Chapter 70

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Within a quick month passing by after the first task, the second came quickly after which the trio managed to make it out within winning placements. All of the trio survived the mermaid task in the black lake by using the powers of their transfix's to have a protecting air bubble surround them whilst they free their friends from a horrid placement. Now, with only three days remaining until the third task, the one they'd been waiting for, no one was at ease. Coral had spent every day after the second task training at her all, her friends helping her through dueling and research on what could exactly be in that maze. Harry and Sage were coming up with a plan on how to make sure the other contestants did not make it though to grab the port key at the end, which the prophecy stated would take them to their final battle. The one where they'd all face their biggest fears and a battle of a life time. Draco spent the days panicking, only fearing the memories that lived on of how evil death eaters were, the ones that would come to his manor and visit his father before Hogwarts. If they were ruthless towards a fellow death eater, he shuddered at the darkness of how they'd be towards someone who stood in the way of the dark lords plan to reign the world. He didn't want his friends fighting, no one wanted their friends to be in such danger. Hermione only wished she could be there to fight along with Harry. How would he make it without her by his side? Everyone's worst fears were if someone would not make it out of the maze at the end, unlike according to plan.

One day left now until the third task, and Coral was relentlessly studying articles about previous tri-wizard tournaments and what lied within the maxes of the previous tasks. Only knowing what could lie head tomorrow, would give she and her friends advantages to make it to the portkey first before any of the others be put at risk. Luckily, the trio was tied in first place so they already had a five minute advantage over Viktor, Cedric and Fleur.

Grabbing a stack of articles from the daily prophet in the library based on the history of Hogwarts, Coral managed to locate one single article about a previous task. Pulling it out, she made her way to a table to sit alone and scan over it. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head once they landed on a small paragraph about a third task being the maze.

"After the third task, which turned out to be a hedge maze, Gryffindor student from Hogwarts Barcklemore Sallthes, has died at age fifteeen. The tri-wizard tournament which is now banned from here on until now, is a three task competition from three schools to show who at the time is the most skilled out of them all. The third task included three students being sent into a maze to battle stocks of dangerous creatures and run into the possibility of death. Unfortunately for Barklemore Sallthes, his skills were not up to par with the tournaments unruly tasks and he was found dead inside the maze due to a Skrewt feasting on the student. This was from his lack of knowledge on self protection. The tournament is now banned by the ministry."

"What the hell is a skrewt? What kind of other creatures could be in there tomorrow..." said Coral to herself worriedly. "I've got to warn Harry and Sage!"

She quickly checked out a book based on magical creatures and their pictures and make a run for it, she had to warn her friends about the death of a wizard due to one of these creatures. They'd spent months preparing to duel other wizards and witches, but never face off unheard of creatures like so. What if there were dementors in there, boggarts? There could even be spiders or more dragons. No one warned her that they'd have to deal with this. Things just got ten times harder then they needed to be.

Rushing into the fifth year common room, she instantly barged into her dormitory, throwing her book on Sages lap with a worried expression. Harry, Draco, and Phoenix looked up confused.

"What is that?" Asked Sage, opening the book up. "Why'd you bring me this?"

"A student DIED Sage! Did you know there are going to be monsters and creatures in there tomorrow!? I surely didn't!"

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