Chapter 71

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"KILL THE SPARES!" Commanded Voldemort's voice, which Harry could easily recognize due to previous meetings in the Slytherin chamber during second year. "GET THE BLOOD FIRST!"

Coral looked at Sage with shock in her eyes and she struggled to move around with her hands behind her back. Sage growled and watched as a death eater walked to Harry, cutting his arm ruthlessly and bringing the dripping leftover towards a bubbling cauldron.

"Sage..." Harry cried in pain, screaming as his scar was causing him more pain than ever before.

"Relax. We have to let them bring him back in order for us to finally rid of him." Replied Sage mentally through the transfix, watching as they dropped Harry's blood into it. Harry only nodded in return.

"BRING ME TO THE CAULDRON, PETER!" Yelled the unseeable voice from beyond, which was Voldemort's.

"Someone is coming." Whispered Coral dangerously, watching as a short man wearing a hooded cloak walked towards them, carrying something in his arms which looked like a deformed baby, or a massive bundle of robes.

At this point Harry was withering in pain, his screams taunting Coral and Sage's ears with ear shattering yells for help. Sage could only send his friend glimpses of sympathy and to mentally tell Harry just a little longer. Just a little longer. The trio watched in horror, as the little baby looking creature was dropped into the cauldron, and next they could hear the hissing of a creature coming their way down the path of the dark graveyard.

"Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son!" Said the cloaked man. "Flesh of the servant, willingly given you will revive your master!"

The trio watched in horror as the cloaked man cut off his own hand, dropping it into the cauldron with the potion turning a burning red. Suddenly, sparks began protruding from the cauldron. The trio were shaking with a icy terror watching as a dark outline of a man, tall and thin, rose slowly from the cauldron. Voldemort was back.

Harry angrily studied the figure before him as it retook it's original form. The hands like large pale spiders and eyes as red as a demons. It was when Voldemort's eyes snapped towards Harry, Coral, and Sage, that Sage knew it would soon be time to give the signal to attack. Harry shook as Voldemort inched towards him, reaching to touch the very scar on his head that he'd given him. His screams were indescribable, nearly matching one to which would sound like a murder victims.

"Crabbe, Goyle, come forth!" Voldemort Hissed, smirking as the two young Slytherin stepped forward to obey the dark lords commands. "And it seems we have one missing death eater, do we not?"

"Y-yes master. Cedric, they captured him in the maze before he could grab the portkey." Crabbe stuttered in fear.

Harry, Sage, and Coral scowled at the two goons before them; wishing they could just rid of the idiots right there and then. No, they had to wait, just a bit longer.

"Leave it to Dumbledore to always save the day." Hissed Voldemort. "When I'm in reign, I shall have the satisfaction of ridding of him myself. Goyle, use the extra portkey and go fetch Diggory will you?"

"Yes master!" Said Goyle, as he flashed away with a pop, returning moments later with Cedric Diggory himself.

"Cedric, my dear. Come forth and tell me the names of the spares sitting here." Commanded Voldemort.

Coral quivered, watching her ex boyfriend creep up into her personal pace and come face to face with her. "Coral Wolfrose, and the other is Sage Merlin."

A evil smirk played on Voldemort's face.
"You're telling me, that Harry has brought me none other than a Wolfrose and a Merlin? Harry, what a kind gift. KILL THEM."

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