Chapter 32

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It was the next day on a Monday, while students were going through their daily schooling routines and finishing sixth period. As the bell chimed through the halls of Hogwarts, students packed into the corridors swarming in a hurry to get out of class. Warm breezes blew through the skies above Hogwarts, leaving a comfortable temperature outside for students to enjoy outdoor activities. Students were going for a stroll by the lake, practicing spells, and even having a chat with their friends outside sitting down together. As for Sage and Coral, they had something else completely different planned, which required a visit to the quidditch pitch. Sage Merlin had agreed with Coral that they were both going to try and practice flying with their new brooms. Michael, Neville, and the Weasley twins however, decided it would be fun for them to tag along to the quidditch pitch and watch their friends. The Weasley twins volunteered to help Sage and Coral out with lessons , since they were on the Gryffindor quidditch team and had tons of experience.

"How much experience do you both have exactly?" Fred curiously asked the duo , as they were struggling to carry their brooms.

"None, none at all." Coral replied, groaning about the pain in her arm.

"Same, none at all." Sage said. "Might I warn you, I'm probably going to eat shit."

"If I see you eat it, I'll probably burst into laughter." Michael Corner pitched in. "Sorry, but not sorry."

George laughed, but the other five friends were quiet. They all were carrying a small fear that one of them would get seriously injured, mostly because neither one of them had any experience. Even the other four all had flying lessons from madam hooch first year before even stepping foot onto a broom.

"Eh, you'll be fine." George said humorously. "If you take a bad fall, we will probably be able to fix those broken bones!"

"BROKEN BONES?!" Coral frantically yelled. "I don't recall being warned about breaking any parts of my body!"

"That's only if you fall, which is a fifty out of fifty chance!" Fred exclaimed, smirking at his twin George. They chuckled to each other.

"Oh fucking hell." Sage huffed, shaking his head with disbelief. "My cause of death if going to be flying , I can just feel it."

"When Neville took his first flying class, he recked it so bad he had to be taken to the hospital wing." Michael warned, looking at Neville sympathetically. "Everyone was talking about it."

"Really, you just had to bring that up?!" Neville scolded, huffing with anger.

They continued until they finally reached the quidditch pitch. Sage and Coral felt joyful, as the last time they were here it was watching the quidditch game between houses. They hadn't been able to come to the quidditch games after try outs because of training taking all of their free time up.
The group walked together in harmony to the center of the field.

"Okay, I'm going to sit on the benches and watch!" Neville said. "Michael, wanna come?"

Michael nodded. "Yeah sure! Next year I'm trying out for the RavenClaw quidditch team forsure." He continued , as they both walked in unison up to the first row of benches. "Good luck!"

George and Fred stood in front of the duo with smiles plastered on their faces. "Coral, Sage, put your brooms on the floor. First step is going to be saying up." George demanded, smirking at his fiery haired twin.

"Okay." Sage replied as both of them placed their brooms on the floor. "Now what?"

"Now say 'UP!' And place your hand above the broom." Fred explained, showing an example to the duo. "If it's far, then you say Accio Broomstick."

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