Chapter 24

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Coral sighed feeling mental exhaustion as she entered the Slytherin common room.
She instantly was glared down by the eyeballs of several Slytherin students hanging out around the couches.

"Coral, where have you been?" Pansy snobbishly asked.

The rest of them were shocked at the site of a beat up Coral. She was beat, bruised and everything. She looked like she had been hit by a bus.

"Coral, what happened to you? You look like you were beat up by a ogre!" Crabbe blurted out in shock.

It couldn't really have been that bad could it? Sure she got blasted into a wall several times, sure she hit my head on a wood block climbing out of the shrieking shack. She did bump a few ligaments while crawling out towards Hogsmeade after training as well as cut a few parts of her skin open on the way, now bleeding in multiple areas. Also, whole body had crashed into the ground from floo. It couldn't really be that bad though could it? Her eyes trailed towards Draco, as he were staring at her up and down with utter shock plastered on his face.

Coral noticed all of their eyes were focusing on the giant gash on her left leg. "Oh, that!" She nervously chuckled, eyeballing the bleeding hole. "Yeah, I just fell while walking back from class that's all."

Draco did not believe one second of her putrid lie.

Pansy rolled her eyes.
"That's definitely more than a simple fall." She spat back.

Blaise eyeballed her down suspiciously.
"Yeah, where exactly did you go after fourth period. I didn't see you after that?"

Coral sighed, she was incredibly exhausted and didn't feel like being ridiculed.
"I'll see you guys later."

Eyeballs followed, watching her every move with concern as she helplessly dragged herself to her room. She didn't tell Merlin that she had gotten injured. She didn't want him worrying.
Looking in the bathroom mirror, Coral stared at herself in horror. There were cuts, bruises, and bumps all over her body. She had been beat up pretty bad on the way back to Hogwarts. Sage forgot his floo powder, and they ended up having to find out way out of the shrieking shack and take many small, rugged paths to get back to the castle.

"That's a pretty bad cut from just falling down on the floor. You must be really clumsy. Although, you never seemed like the clumsy type all five months I've known you." Draco stated with concern, lingering against the door frame.

"Malfoy". She nervously replied, attempting to hide her gash.

They hadn't really talked since she had caught Draco snogging with Pansy on the couch. It was awkward between them now.

Draco scoffed at the pathetic attempt to hide her giant gash that was nearly bleeding out.
"You know, if you continue wrinkling your forehead at me like that any longer, you might just end up with your face stuck like that."

Coral felt the pain in her leg grow immensely.
"Why don't you mind your own business and go have a snog with Pansy? I bet she'd like that." She managed to weakly retort.

"Why do you make that seem like it's a bad thing?"

"It seems like you forgot you were my friend."

Draco was extremely confused.
"Wait what? Where is this coming from? Just because I am now friends with Pansy, doesn't mean we're not friends?"

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