Chapter 80

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"Nodding cautiously, Coral smiled and finished her food quickly. Both headed out, with a plan to do a little bit of shopping and exploring. This date was going to be fun, if it was the last thing they did. Nothing was going to ruin such a perfect start to their date, or so they thought."

Walking down Diagon Alley hand in hand, coming out of the twins shop itself after a quick greetings to their red-headed twin friends, Draco and Coral could feel something was off the moment they stepped foot out. After a peaceful and romantic day of what seemed to be like they'd not been being secretly followed around by the menace Rita Skeeter herself, all was come to an instant halt. It began with the sound of a click, and the sight of a flash. The white lights that followed up along with the first we're impeccable, not to be mistaken for non-other than the money crazed paps themselves. The paps that tormented Coral Wolfrose since the day she'd killed Bellatrix Lestrange, but even before then her name was mentioned upon thousands in the wizard community. The release of her recent dating life only made things worse, Rita Skeeter loved to get her hands dirty with relationships that went on between famous wizards. With another hundred clicks and flashes, now, both Coral and Draco quickly realized they'd finally been exposed. Their relationship was never truly confirmed, only one as a verbal rumor with no proof to back it up. That was until now.

"So it's true then, a Malfoy and a Wolfrose have joined after centuries of the family rivalry. Unbelievable!" Said male reporter one, harassingly chasing the couple down a few shops and into another.

"Can you please confirm that you and Coral are official, Mr. Malfoy? Teen readers of Witch Weekly are dying to know!" Asked a female reporter, one who was jotting down a record of her conversation with the running duo.

Growing annoyed and unable to escape the constantly hounding questions about them both, Coral sent a knowing look to her boyfriend, one that signaled it might be time to come to the public and release a statement to finally hush all the rumors. Coral also knew the fact that part of the community believed after Rita's last article, that she and Barlow were other. It greatly outraged Draco hearing such nonsense. He also wanted to confirm they were official, and end Rita Skeeter as they knew her.

"Draco, we have to tell them. You know what kind of shit they can make up if we don't say the truth first." Coral whispered, as the reporters waited outside again at the demand of the store owner. "With what they just caught now, they are bound to make up something."

Draco grew relieved, but also filled with worry. "Are we ready to deal with the type of things that will be thrown our way if we confirm this? A known death eaters son with one of the world's most idolized remembered wizards of all time's own daughter. I mean your father was friends with someone who descended from Camelot Merlin for Pete's sake!..." he rambled nervously, eyeballing the eager reporters once again. "I mean you, your best friend is a Merlin. Not to mention you're friends with potter. The Harry Potter himself. Mostly, you're YOU! Do you know how big of an announcement this would be? Are you ready for the toll it could bring along?"

She looked down wearily with a frown. No, she didn't want any more attention from the world than she already had, but she knew these reporters were ruthless, and they'd do anything they could to spin and twist a story to their greatest delights. Coral would not let this happen, her pride was well too big for her to be forced to keep a secret from some dumb paps about her relationship with her platinum haired boyfriend named Draco Malfoy. It didn't matter who she was, she didn't want to feel like she had to hide the things that made her happy.

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