Chapter 43

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Faint sounds of laughter filled the ears of students who had been boarding onto Hogwart's express, as they blissfully flooded into the train. Coral who struggled to grab her bag, yanked it up the train staircase and walked down the isle trying to remember which number Sage said they would be in last night. Was it thirty, twenty, fucking hell I don't know! She scolded herself trying to remember. It was just as she slowly passed cabin nine after seeing several unrecognizable faces, that she remembered it was cabin ten that Sage told her to meet. With her hands shaking and breath pace increasing, she reached out for the door handle, ripping the door open. Her mood was instantly brightened as she was greeted by the faces of her best friend Sage Merlin, and the two favorite twins of her's Fred and George.
She didn't even get time to study them, before they launched themselves at her. She did notice however, that her bestfriend was now a head taller than her.

"Coral!" Sage nearly screamed, jolting out of her chair and pulling her into a bear hug.

"Oh my little snake girl, I've missed you so much." The recognizable voice of Fred added in, as she felt him join in on their hug.

"I missed you too, fire head." She sassily retorted, letting go of their hug and quickly hugging George, who had his attention focused towards something else.

Looking at what George would be so interested in, Coral's eyes were locked onto a girl with blondish white hair just like Draco's. Who the hell is that in my friends cabin? She angrily thought to herself, not sure how to feel about someone joining in with their secluded and tight group. She scowled at her all pink outfit and a version of the quibbler she had been holding. More than Coral hated pink, she hated funky sunglasses and pink outfits like the blonde had been wearing overly done.
Clearing her throat, she glared at the blonde dimbo who didn't look like she had a clue what was going on around her. "Who is this?"

George's attention turned towards Coral finally, and so did the girls. "This is Luna Lovegood, she's a transfer student coming into fourth year!" George explained, and he seemed to have mad googly eyes for her.

Coral just scoffed, not being able to trust her that easily like they seemed too. She could never trust someone that quickly ever again, after all the times she did only to be crushed into a pulp. "Mkay." Was all she managed to spit out through her teeth.
Watching as the boys sat back down, Coral noticed they all had a gaze on her after actually looking at her instead of throwing themselves into a hug. Once again, she began self conscious. Why are they looking at me like that, just like Seamus and Dean did back at Diagon Alley yesterday? It's really pissing me off! She thought, wishing no more that her friends would stop staring her up and down. Even the blonde wouldn't look away. Shaking her thoughts off, she placed her baggage above the compartment and then took a seat next to Sage.
"I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back in a second." Coral huffed, ripping herself off her seat fuming with anger. She slammed the door shut behind her making her friends flinch.

George turned to Fred and Sage with his eyebrows furrowed. "That was weird?"

"Yeah, what's her problem anyhow?" Sage questioned, confused at Coral's strange outburst of rage. "Also, did you see how... different she looks or am I the only one who noticed?"

"No, she looks completely different. If I were to say so myself I'd say she was replaced by a clone who liked girl stuff and wore extra revealing muggle clothing." Fred joked, knowing that their friend was more of a tomboy.

"You think she's going to be like this for good? You know that all the guys at Hogwarts are going to be drooling over her?" Sage informed with a now darker tone than he was using before. He wondered why she had gone through such a drastic change, and if it was just an act for her boyfriend. Maybe it's because of Cedric, she wanted to impress him perhaps? It's not like Coral to waste her time with makeup. She'd never been interested in that before, and honestly I don't think she will stick to it. He thought to himself as a flash of worry grew over him. He didn't want his best friend to change, that was his worst fear.

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