Chapter 51

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The day had come, which had been greatly anticipated from students of every year at Hogwarts. Tonight was going to be SlugHorn's first ever Fall Ball, and students had been urgently preparing for such an event. Coral, Ginny, Luna and Hermione decided to go dress shopping together at Diagon Alley and then get their makeup done at a high fashioned wizards barber. A few of the boys went off shopping in groups as most of them weren't close. Seamus and Dean went together to buy their tuxedos, while Neville, Harry, Ron, Sage, and Michael Corner went off on their own group. Draco dragged Crabbe and Goyle along with him, and Blaise went with Phoenix, Theo, and Pansy.

Walking into Wizards Palace Collections, a store for fancy wear, the girls immediately gawked at all of the beautiful dresses around the store. Ginny and Hermione inched towards the back of the store which held long dresses and floor length gowns, while Coral inched towards the front that held darker colored dresses, more on the shorter side.

Luna ran straight towards a sparkly, blue gown that flowed down to the ground and nearly squealed when she saw it was in her size. "This ones perfect!" She cooed, grabbing and walking around the store.

"I think I've found mine also, and it's in my size!" Hermione cheered, pulling a fluffy pink dress off its rack. "It's beautiful!"

Ginny turned to look and squealed when she saw it. "That's perfect, 'Mione! Ernie is going to die of a heart attack when he sees you in that dress." She said, turning and spotting an elegant red gown, instantly falling in love with it. "Ooooh, I think the guys will like this, it makes my butt look bigger."

Hermione snorted and shook her head. "GINEVERA WEASLEY, BE MODEST!" She yelled incredulously. Ginny shot daggers towards Hermione, which made Hermione instantly stop laughing.

"Don't make me hex you, I'll turn your hair into snakes tonight, so you'll be chasing Ernie around the ball room." She threatened, receiving nervous nods back from Hermione.

Coral who was having a hard time pick between two dresses she found, decided to go with a low cut, v-neck black dress that complimented her body well. Seeing that all three girls had already been in the dressing rooms, she sighed and walked into the last available one open, quickly trying it on.

"Who's done?" Ginny shouted from her dressing room, eagerly wanting to see everyone's picks. She was in love with her dress and wasn't going to think twice before purchasing it. The price was rather high, but she had been saving from chores for a few months to buy a nice dress this year for events like this instead of having a vintage hand me down from her mother.

"I am!" Hermione joyfully replied.

"Me too!" Luna chirped.

Fixing the bust of her dress, Coral looked in the mirror and was shocked. She didn't even think she could make her body look like that, and for once in the first time ever, she felt confident. "I just finished." She yelled to Ginny on the other side.

"Okay step out in one...two...three!" Ginny demanded, and the sounds of locks clicked as they stepped out together. Gasps were released from all four of the girls mouths as they saw each other.

"Holy shit!" Ginny exhaled in shock. "My friends are fucking gorgeous!"

"Oh Ginny, shut it. Look at you in that dress. Harry is going to regret not asking you!" Hermione said, feeling disappointed at Harry for being such a wuss and not packing the courage to ask Ginny to the ball.

"Shes right, Gin. You look stunning." Coral added, causing all three girls to spin and look at her gasping.

" pitch..." Ginny patchily breathed, her eyes going wide.

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