Chapter 52

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"Isn't this the bloody shrieking shack?" Blaise cried out, ready to back out there and then. If there wasn't music being blasted from the inside, they all would have just turned around by now.

"Shriek what?" Phoenix chuckled.

"Long story, let's just go and stop being a wuss." Draco muttered, knocking a few times on the door before it was opened by someone that was a fifth year quidditch player on the Gryffindor team.

The first view of people they caught glimpse of was most of the older Gryffindor quidditch players huddled in a circle in the living room, and then a few randoms in fifth and sixth year scattered about. The house had enough students to fill the entire thing and make it a large party. Draco grimaced, shocked that Sage even knew this many people.

"What the... is there something I don't know? Maybe something like Sage Merlin actually owns this place?" Blaise asked, confusion plastered on all their faces.

"I wouldn't doubt it, that kid is super odd." Crabbe replied, his left eyebrow raised. "No one knows much about him except where he came from and how he's a descendent of Camelot Merlin."

The rest shrugged as a certain girl sitting on the couch made Draco and Blaise groan.
"Cho." They growled in unison.

Cho who heard, turned around with a fake smile and waved. "Oh, hello!"

Draco sneered and walked around the house trying to find at least someone he could tolerate. As Blaise passed by he muttered. "I thought you weren't invited."

She must have heard because she replied. "Cedric invited me."

Blaise snapped. He wasn't even friends with Coral and couldn't stand the disrespect. "I'm just going to remind you once and I won't say it again. Cedric is Coral's boyfriend so whatever game you're playing at, needs to stop now. You may fool other people into thinking you're innocent, but trust me Chiddy Cho, I'm not falling for your act one bit." He snarled, Cho returning a bitchy glare.

The scowl she was shooting was stopped when she saw Cedric coming to sit with her. "Ced!" She nearly squealed, making Blaise's Italian blood boil.

"Chocho!" He cooed back, sitting down next to her. "I got you a drink!"

"Seriously man?!" Blaise yelled at Cedric, not even realizing the rest of his friends had left to walk around the rest of the house.

Cedric turned around giving Blaise looks. "Yes? Who even invited you I thought Slytherin weren't invited."

"Coral invited me you arsehole! She said Cho wasn't invited so I don't know what you think you're doing. This is her and Sage's house and I'm pretty sure if there's a list, you can't come in if you're not on it." Blaise snapped back, mentally arguing if he should hex them both. "Also incase you forgot, your damn girlfriend is a Slytherin! House shaming your own girlfriend, that's low."

Cedric cleared his throat and slid down into the couch awkwardly. He knew Blaise was right, but he was so distracted by Cho, he could care less.
"Just leave us alone and go find your Slytherin friends."

"No bloody problem! I hope Coral dumps your sorry arse because trust me, she could do better!" He yelled, marching upstairs and looking into a few rooms to find his friends.

He could have sworn he heard Cedric say Draco wasn't good enough for her, but he pretended he didn't to avoid getting into a fight at his new friends party. After trying a couple of rooms, he was successful in finding two people.

"Hey Harry and Ginny, sorry to interrupt whatever... this is, but do you know where everyone is?"

Harry and Ginny, who were recklessly snogging on one of the room's beds, jumped up in shock, both screaming. "Yes, they are all in the backyard! They put an extending charm on the house and put a dance floor and bar back there." Ginny snapped, shooing Blaise away.

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