Chapter 53

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It was now October 31st, the day of the world wide known holiday, Halloween. As usual, Professor Slughorn was hosting a Halloween Party for members of his slug club and their invited guests. The other students of Hogwarts students however, all had their own clever plans like going to certain houses for gatherings. As students filed into the great hall on the morning of Halloween, they took places at their usual tables. A thousand live bats fluttered from the walls and ceiling of the great hall, while a thousand more swooped over the tables in low black clouds, making the candles in the pumpkin stutter. Flying orange carved pumpkins floated around in the air above the students while they ate their halloween morning feasts.

Coral, Neville, Sage, Fred, George, Michael Corner, and Harry Potter sat together at their usual spot located at the end of the RavenClaw table. They exchanged small talk while chowing down on their delicious meals. Harry Potter kept glancing at the Gryffindor table, where he grimaced at the sight of Ron Weasley snogging Lavender Brown, and grew angry the sight of Hermione scowling at them both from being interrupted while reading her book. For the past two weeks, he couldn't even sit at his own house table because Ron and Lavender had been making him sick while he attempted to eat. Eventually he had enough and nearly begged Sage to sit with the Gemini circle, and luckily he was quickly accepted.

Sage looked at Harry, and almost laughed when he saw his disgusted facial expression. "It's best if you don't look at them, might make you hurl up all your feast." He joked, now cringing at the sight also. He quickly looked away and back down towards his food.

"I hate to say this, but I really don't care about them anymore. Hermione of course, but Ron is just not being considerate of anyone or any of his friends." He complained, shoving potatoes in his mouth angrily. "His only concern is Lavender now a days, it's infuriating!"

"You think that's bad, try watching your ex-boyfriend who cheated on you sit there snogging some Chiddy bitch who flirts with every guy in this damn school." Coral mumbled, not even wanting to dare look at the Hufflepuff table.

"Both of your situation's sound unpleasing." Sage distastefully replied. "I don't know how people still like Cedric after they found out what he did! It must be nice being a Hufflepuff, having your whole house be easily forgiving and overly friendly."

The three of them shook their heads and finished up their meals, quickly being distracted by Fred and George who were showing muggle magic tricks to Neville and Michael.

"Watch this, I'll pull the bunny out of this hat!" Fred said.

"And I'll pull a bird out of this one!" George exclaimed.

"That's not even possible for a muggle, blithering idiot's." Michael grumbled, not believing a muggle would be capable of such a magical act. "I would know, I'm a half-blood, my father was a muggle and would have never be capable of such sort."

"Watch and see," Fred started, a smirk on his face.

"The muggle magic that can be!" George finished, preparing his muggle magic trick, with Fred doing the same.

"This should be good." Neville mockingly mumbled to the group.

"Let's see it then, I love muggle magic." Harry joyfully replied, showing them their full attention.

With that, Fred and George both managed to succeed in pulling a bird and bunny out of their muggle hats, receiving applause from extra watching students around them. The bunny managed to escape the grip of Fred and he nearly jumped on the table trying to get it back. He cried out as the bunny hopped from plate to plate, occasionally snacking on students meals.

"Stop that bunny!" Fred cried out, the whole great hall shaking with laughter.

It was with that, the bunny came back and hopped onto Neville's head making him scream.
"AHHH! GET IT OFF!" His eyes went wide while he watched Fred snatch it off of his head.

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