Chapter 45

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"Happy birthday, Coral!" Sage said, picking up his best friend out of bed, and carrying her bridal style downstairs to the common room. Harry, Draco, and Phoenix stood staring at the scene, wondering if they should be saying happy birthday as well.

"Thanks, but I can walk myself." Coral sarcastically replied, shaking her head, then wiggling out of his arms to walk down to the great hall for breakfast and first day of classes.

Once again, the day of September second had come around again, which meant it was Coral WolfRose's birthday. Unlucky for her, she had school today and unlike last year she would most likely not be celebrating it at Diagon Alley. Sage Merlin however, being the deviously charming boy that he is, came up with an all too risky plan to celebrate Coral's birthday with her after their classes. His plan you might ask? Let's just say if things go according to plan, that it won't be the first time he's had an alcoholic drink and a fun time. They could sneakily purchase firewhisky from local wizarding pubs, and that is exactly what Sage Merlin had planned for the both of them tonight.


"Fuck with all of them." Michael Corner demanded, as Sage evilly threw hair color changing hexes around the flooded corridor at students passing by. They both bursted into laughter as they accidentally hit Pansy Parkinson and changed her hair green while walking to care of creatures class from divination class. "I'm done, I can't." Sage cried with tears in his eyes. "You're a bad influence."

"You love me." Michael retorted, smirking at his best friend. "Besides, what's better than Pansy Parkinslut with green hair? Now she can really live up to her witchy image."

And to that, Sage agreed as they rushed out towards the field where they were supposed to be meeting Hagrid for a hands on interaction with Buckbeak the Hippogriff. They nearly ran to care of magical creatures class when they saw that they were going to be late. Coral, on the other hand was making her way from advanced potions to clean up her mess as she got held behind by Professor Slughorn for accidentally blowing up her cauldron. Running towards where the group of mixed house students were standing, all three of them managed to arrive at the same exact time leaving other students suspicious as to why those three always were by each others sides.

"You won't believe what happened to me in advanced potions. I accidentally blew up my cauldron and I swear, Professor Slughorn wanted to hex me into next century." Coral frantically explained while huffing out of breath. "I added ten tails when was only supposed to add five."

"How did Slughorn not kill you already?" Sage panicked, as they walked by a few trees that didn't have students surrounded by them.

Michael glared past the two, seeing that Malfoy was walking towards them but didn't decide to say anything. "How did you even make it into advanced positions anyways? Blowing up your cauldron on the first day, I'd say that's a pure sign it was luck you got into that class."

"Isn't luck always on my side?" Coral sarcastically replied, kneeling on the tree branch in front of her. The sound of dirt crunching behind them didn't seem to phase them enough to turn around and see the group of Slytherin boys standing with smirks.
"Hey, crop top." A voice called from behind them, making Coral instantly fume. "Go away." She impatiently demanded back before spinning around.

Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle all stood together in a straight line facing the trio in front of them, leaving it being three verses three. "Hey Coral, now that you're fifteen, how many boys are you going to try to shag this year? Maybe you'll finally lose your virginity. Oh wait, the only guy interested would be Potter the scar-head himself." Draco joked with cackles flying from his mouth.

"Oooooooh." Crabbe and Goyle cooed in unison, followed up by Draco.

" Crabbe and Goyle cooed in unison, followed up by Draco

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