Chapter 25

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Coral had been in the hospital for a week now in urgent recovery. Her leg had been turned out being badly infected as the branch she cut her leg on had poison fungus mold on it, causing mold to seep into her bloodstream and make her deathly ill. Madam Pomfrey worked day and night to help heal Coral. She were uncertain that Coral would be healing anytime soon. Once fungus mold were to seep into bloodstream, the infected victim would be out for months and in even some rare cases, years.

Sage had been in the hospital during his free time secretly visiting Coral as she were stuck in a sleeping trance by madam Pomfrey to speed her recovery. Students from Slytherin came to visit her resting body all though-ought the week leaving her gifts. One particular platinum blonde boy would even come visit her for hours, talking to her while she slept, secretly telling her his stories and about his day knowing she wouldn't remember when she woke up. Rumors had spread all over school, different stories and scenarios they had imagined happened to Coral. One rumor, was that she were chased by a mountain troll and was brutally attacked. There were many stories floating around the halls of HogWarts, but none of them were the slightest bit close to being the true one.

With the pain of missing Coral, Draco Malfoy had began to become desperate for friendship and attention to replace what he was missing. Pansy saw this as an opportunity to take advantage of Draco and finally get what she's been wanting. She would flash her false grin, bat her snake cold eyes, and giggle at his most stupid jokes.
Draco coped by using Pansy, and began to slowly replace Coral all together. He quickly was becoming so obsessed with the thought of Pansy, he even managed to develop a small crush on Pansy Parkinson.

The third week, Coral was still in the hospital nearing the success of her recovery. By this time, the whole school had stopped talking about her nearly leaving her in the dust as a forgotten memory loosing hope that she were going to recover any time soon. Sage Merlin however, did not. He would visit her every day for no less than one hour hoping she would wake up then and there. Draco had stopped visiting, instead obsessed with the thought of Pansy. Why would he think about a girl who were sick and never to wake up again, it was only driving him mad. He could have a girl right in front of them right in the moment.

It were the third day of the fifth week that Coral had been in the hospital. Not one person had spoken of the name Coral WolfRose in the past two weeks, forgetting about her completely. Sage walked the corridors full of regret everyday since then. The one student who mostly disappointed him were Draco Malfoy. They had argued, but they were still friends. Draco completely left Coral in the dust.

Sage sneered across the great hall, only see the sight of Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson snogging at the Slytherin table. He couldn't believe he and Pansy were now dating. The worse part was he could do nothing but wait for his best friend to wake up, only to realize she had been replaced by Pansy. Sage missed his best friend incredibly. He spent most of the time alon, as he had really no friends except for Michael Corner. The presence of other people could not fill the gap, anyways.

Temperatures began to grow warmer outside as it were now nearing the end of February. Flowers began blooming, days grew longer, and the moon were glowing brighter. Spring were approaching, yet didn't carry a usually happy feeling along with it as usual to Sage. This would be the seventh week Coral had been in the hospital and Sage felt as if he was about to go mad.
Sage made his way to the great hall alone, noticing a group of girls frantically whispering to each other. Sluggishly walking by, he decided to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Did you hear the news? It's all around school already." A random hufflepuff girl said.

"Yeah, I forgot she even existed. To be honest I thought she died." The other girl, a RavenClaw, replied back.

"I dont know the word has it, that she just woke up an hour ago. What was her name again? I think Coral BarkWood or something?" The third Gryffindor girl added.

Sage wasn't sure if he had heard them correctly. He had sword they said Coral was awake again. His eyes widened. Was Coral finally awake again? He quickly rushed to the hospital wing, pushing the door open. He had looked to where Coral's normal spot were that she had been for seven weeks, but she was not there. He trailed hie eyes through the room. There she was.

Sage was frozen in shock. She was awake.

Coral Wolfrose weakly turned towards the voice that were calling her. Her frown turned into a smile, seeing Sage rush towards her with relief.

"You're back!" Sage cheered.
"You don't know how these past seven weeks were for me without you here."

Coral laughed, before groaning in pain.
"I feel terrible.."

She felt like she had been hit by a bus. Her body was in pain. It was if she were hit by a truck, then thrown off a tower onto a ground of metal spikes. Groaning, she sat up taking a sip of the pumpkin juice in front of her. It had been only an hour that she were back and awake from recovery.

Madam Pomfrey came back into the wing with a potion.
"Ah, Mr. Merlin. Nice to see you again. For the hundredth time this week." She sarcastically greeted.

"You too." Sage sarcastically muttered back under his breath.

"Now Coral, since I'm releasing you today, you need to make sure you drink this potion. It's the last dose of medicine you need to complete your healing process." Madam Pomfrey bluntly searched through her medicine drawer. "Also, you have a very loyal friend in front of you. He's been here every day for the past seven weeks waiting for you. You should consider yourself lucky"

Coral was shocked.
"Every day?"

Sage rolled his eyes.
"Unlike some people." He grumbled.

Coral has finished her potion, stumbling to get up.
Sage had luckily caught her from falling.
She was just excited to get to the great hall, and have a nice breakfast.


"I'm fine." Coral retorted, rolling her eyes.
"I'd just like to go to eat. My stomach feels like I haven't eaten in weeks."

"Everyone's already in the great hall by now." Sage replied, helping her as she limped, using his arm as support.

Coral nodded, they began to make their way to the great hall.
"How did you know I was awake anyways?"

"Heard some girls talking about it. The whole school probably knows!"

Stopping in front of the door to the great hall, Coral began to feel sweat beads form on her palms.

Sage was confused.
"Well, aren't you going to push open the door?" He eagerly asked.

She nodded, pushing the door open with Sage following parallel. The sound of the large door creaking slowly echoed though the Great hall. She stood frozen in fear as hundreds of faces turned towards her, including the professors.

"See you later, WolfRose." Sage whispered while making his way towards the RavenClaw table.

Sighing, Coral walked towards the Slytherin table, nervously sitting down on the closest Slytherin seat she could find. Looking down the table, she managed to find Draco, but he already seemed to be talking to another girl. She examined closer and realized their hands were connected. Did Draco manage to get in a relationship while she were missing? Coral couldn't see the girls face, but all she knew was it were a Slytherin. The two bodies kissing, and she huffed in disgust.
She was confused. Draco didn't even look at her once, it's like he didn't even care that she were back again. Some friend you are.

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