Chapter 94

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The air was cloudy, matching the fall feeling outside of Hogwarts, the grounds covered in dead brown and orange leaves falling from trees. Sunday was a day that everyone looked forward to as a student. Sunday's were days that students got to leave grounds and go to Hogsmeade, which meant all of the students woke up extra early to have breakfast in the great hall. Even though some would be staying at the castle doing various activities like quidditch, some would be going to Hogsmeade. Three Broomsticks was expecting to be filled with chattering students in the late afternoon as usual. Madam Rosmerta absolutely loved Sunday's. She enjoyed making butter-beer to fill her free time.

The Gemini group had already been in the great hall, munching down on chicken and other various foods. Coral was not there however, she was still finding it hard to manage to get up out of bed. She wasn't sure if she wanted to go to Hogsmeade. She hadn't gotten to play quidditch in a long time. She thought it would be fun to stay back and play some quidditch with the boys for once. She missed going against Oliver Wood, her only real competition as chaser. It was Oliver's last year at Hogwarts. She wanted to make sure she had enough time for the twins and Oliver before they left. It just wouldn't be the same without Oliver, Fred, and George. The Gemini group was going to be three less during their seventh year.

Coral finally managed to get herself out of bed and drag herself down to the great hall. She felt surprisingly better though, which was good if she wanted to play quidditch. It was her first day of being a normal teenager without someone wanting to kill her. It felt pretty great, as you might expect. She had been arguing with herself in her head if she wanted to play quidditch or go to Hogsmeade. She was sure she could do both!

Sage had noticed Coral enter the great hall first, waving her down.
"Look who made it, thirty minutes late." He teased.

The group stared her down in shock at her purple and black tinted body from the bruises.
Coral patted Phoenix over the head and sat down next to him and Percy. It was an unusual seating arrangement, but Blaise had taken the spot she usually sat at next to Draco.

"Very funny. I hardly made it at all." She retorted, taking no extra time to devour her breakfast regardless if the whole group was staring at her with concern or not. "Morning, guys."

Luna lightly smiled because she was trying not to be rude by staring at her beat up body.
"I am glad you, Harry, and Sage finally get to have a normal day. I know it's been very hard for you three!"

Harry nodded in agreement, also staring at Coral in shock. "It really is a relief. Hopefully I won't be called the chosen one anymore. I was never the chosen one anyways, more like the chosen trio." He sarcastically spat.

Coral nodded and looked over to Draco who didn't even appear to notice she had arrived. He was too busy talking to Blaise and Everett.
Again? It's like I don't even exist to him anymore? I feel like he's just using me to stay in the Gemini group. Not that it matters anyways, he will be apart of it regardless if we are together or not. I think he's loosing interest.. he doesn't even care that I'm sitting here staring at him hoping to get his attention.

Fred and George had interrupted her thoughts.
"Wicked! Those bruises are bloody big!" Fred exhaled.
"That cut on your leg is going to leave a barking mad scar!" George added with a fascinated tone.

Phoenix cringed at the obvious marks on her body.
"How come they didn't fix that?"

"I didn't feel like staying for an hour more than I already had been. To add onto it, it was hard seeing Ash lying there.. nothing I can do to help."

Phoenix nodded. Him and Ash had become very close and he actually really liked the Slytherin boy who usually chose to be alone. Coral and Phoenix seemed to be the only ones who actually cared about him coming back. The thought aggravated Phoenix quite a bit. Ash had proven he was good when he risked his life for their group. They should have been more concerned about Ash Riddle and how he was doing. The group had engaged in conversation before Oliver Wood had entered the great hall, taking a seat next to George as usual.

The Slytherin Prophecy  | Cedric Diggory | Draco Malfoy | Harry PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora