Chapter 92

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Sage and Harry were thrown out of the Room of Requirements by force. They had been thrown onto the ground right in front of their group, with the doors shut right after. They began to grow worried, what was about to go down inside the room of requirements between Aurora and Ash Riddle. It was up to Ash, he needed to succeed in defeating Aurora, or else she would come after Coral and kill her for the stone of life. This would mean Voldemort could be brought back and there would be no way to stop the death eaters from taking reign. Ash Riddle had to kill Aurora. The world could become chaos.

Sage got up in panic, Hermione grabbing him with relief.
"I can't believe it was Aurora West." He sighed, he was exhausted and had luckily come just minutes away from being defeated himself.

"I was so worried." Hermione frowned. "I still am."

Harry hugged Hermione, turning back towards Sage. "We need to alert the ministry."

"Yes, we need to hurry. We don't know how long this battle could go on for." Sage agreed. "Come on!"

Draco, Blaise, Hermione, Sage, Ron, and Harry quickly made their way back to the great hall. They took no extra time to tell Everwick who the culprit was and what was going down. Everwick sent the entire group of aurors towards the room of requirements, however it may have been too late.

"Avada Kedavra!" Aurora shouted, dodging Ash's killing curse.

"PROTEGO!" Ash defended himself, apparating to ten different places within a mere second.

Aurora's eyes widened. Ash was more powerful than her, whoever, it didn't mean she couldn't be sneaky to win.
"You should have joined me when you had the chance. You could have had the opportunity to be a prince!" She hissed, sending another killing curse his way. "Now you're just going to be in a grave!"

Ash, who was surrounded in a cloak of red mist, dodged the attack, using six different spells on her at once, which all hit but one. She was growing weak. It didn't mean he had won though.

"Petrificus totalus!"
"Avada Kedavara!"

"Crucio!" Aurora spat back, hitting him slightly, enough to cause some damage.
"You're choosing a girl who has been an enemy of our bloodline for centuries, over your own sister and your own father?"

"Our father is dead!" Ash retorted with a scoff, attacking once again with success. "He's in the grave where he should be. It's why I will always be more powerful than you, instead of being a worthless death-eater, I went to school and advanced my skills, while you sat there torturing innocent muggle borns and killing wizards and witches for fun!"

Ash quickly made himself apparate to a higher ground. He hit her again with another attack. She fell to the ground, looking up with evil in her eyes.

"You'd rather be a peasant for the rest of your life, just so you might have a chance with a WolfRose?" She argued in disbelief. "The girl is infatuated with Malfoy, can't you see? You're risking your life for her when she wouldn't even take a sickle to choose Draco Malfoy over you!"

Ash conjured a storm of objects, surrounding him as a tornado while he chased Aurora around. Aurora did the same, the two clashing repeatedly with immense force.

"Why would she choose a child of Voldemort over Draco? Draco is loved, he is popular, he is the quidditch captain! You're just the boy who sits in the corner by himself."

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