Chapter 30

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It were eight thirty at night and Students had now been sitting in the great hall for dinner, noisily flooding the rooms with conversations. The air smelled of delicious food, sending different scents of chicken, potatoes , and other amazinf food all over the room. Tonight was peaceful at Hogwarts, except three special students who were in a world of their own. Sage Merlin, Michael Corner , and Coral WolfRose were enjoying themselves by playing a 'would you rather' game while sitting at the RavenClaw table. Their laughs seemed to be the most eye catching in the room, as everyone would occasionally eyeball them with curiosity, and wonder what could possibly be so funny that they were talking about. They thought of the nastiest, meanest, and funniest would you rather questions just to get a good chuckle and embarrass each other. Their bond was growing immensely, and the trio quickly gained a liking for just the three of them being together all the time.

"Coral, would you rather be forced to kiss Draco Malfoy, or Ron Weasley?" Michael Corner deviously smirked at Coral waiting for an answer.

Coral cringed. "Oh god, both are horrible either way! How about none?!"

"Excuse me but, no you have to choose or else you have to do a dare." Sage snickered. "Good one though , I'll give you a star for trying."

Coral rolled her eyes looking back and fourth between Draco Malfoy and Ron Weasley making a decision on who would be worse. "Ugh, if I had to I guess I would be Ron. Draco kisses Pansy, and no one wants Pansy's disgusting germs!"

"Except Draco , he loves pug nosed witches!" Michael snorted, slamming his hand against the table over and over again.

The trio had laughed together, louder than ever. Their laughs could be heard even from the teachers area near the front. Students turned attention towards them, glaring at them with jealously. The trio didn't even notice it, the night could go on forever like this and they'd be happy.

Coral smirked with revenge.
"Okay, Sage , would you rather have to hookup with Hermione Granger, or Pansy Parkinson?!"

Sage looked back and forth between the two girls, it didn't take long though as he quickly knew the answer. "Granger! I would kiss anything but Pansy. That girl is a dumb, obsessive mess!"

"Yeah, Granger's alright." Michael agreed. "Maybe if it weren't for her big, puffy, untamed lions mane and her know-it-all attitude she might actually come off as attractive."

Coral scoffed at the thought of Hermione. "I hate the golden trio, frankly I think our trio is better we're just under rated. Our trio even has our own hangout spot."

Michael Corner nodded. "Agreed, it even shows by how people keep staring at us. They can't keep their eyes off of us. It doesn't seem like any of these other groups get nearly as much attention."
He noticed Sage were deeply concentrated looking down the table at a RavenClaw girl. "Sage, Hannah Mayheart is staring at you again, when is she not staring at you? If I didn't know any better I would say she were obsessed with you."

Sage rolled his eyes.
"She always stares at me. She's tried talking to me a couple times but I told her I was busy. I'm just not that into girls like her, you know the ones who throw themselves at you? I want a special girl, one that's hard to get and has a independent and bold personality. I don't want a needy pushover."

"Like Pansy Pugnose?" Coral hooted , smirking at her own hilarious insult.

"I don't have time for relationships anyways, it's a distraction." Sage argued.

Coral eyeballed Cedric Diggory with a frown.
"I feel ya. Distraction."

Michael Smirked when he caught who she was looking at.
"Are you looking at Cedric?"

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