Chapter 84

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Making their way to the castle, after a long journey to Hogwarts, the students began to bunch off into groups, as they prepared to go to the great hall for the traditional sorting. This included those students who were new, and from older years. The returning students of Hogwarts were eager to get to see who would be in their house this year. Students packed their way into the great hall, filling every single seat available. It was the first time ever that there were absolutely no seats left. Hogwarts would have to do something about making schedules for different houses or years for dinner and lunch, because there wasn't enough room for everyone to eat together any longer.

The Gemini group followed in behind Mcgonagall, lucky that students were being guided by professors, rather than continuing to hoard their group like crazed fans. Half of the group just wanted to go check out the rec center, they wanted to see what their new hangout spot would look like. Coral, Draco, Blaise and the rest of the group made the way to their normal spot at the RavenClaw table, which luckily was still available for their large and still group to sit at.

"I guess it's a nice thing that all of us are in different houses," Sage began, looking around seeing it was an even amount per house. "Imagine if all new students only wanted to be in one singular house?!"

Harry scoffed with disbelief, shaking his head. "I'm just glad we get our own common room for our year. I can't imagine what it would be like waking up in the Gryffindor common room every morning, to have fifty photos taken of me while I'm half asleep.."

The group nodded in unison, what a nightmare. The great hall began to quite down, as the professors made their way to the front to began the sorting. Draco had hardly said word to Coral since the little argument they had about Aurora on the Hogwarts Express. He had been too busy talking with Arrow, who he was strangely getting close to fast, and Percy. Coral was curious what house Arrow Swan and Percy Groves would be sorted into. She was getting a RavenClaw vibe from Arrow and a Hufflepuff vibe from Percy. Her glare was stuck on Percy, as she couldn't stop mentally arguing with herself if Percy would be a Hufflepuff or a Slytherin. He seemed nice, but also the type to like to get what he wanted. What extent would he go to, to get the things he wanted though? That's where her determination on the subject fell short. She didn't know him well enough yet.

"Well, well, well, bloody hell look who it is.." Blaise said, his eyes wide, nodding his head at Ash Riddle as he walked in, obviously having a glow-up over summer. "Ash!"

The group was shocked, but not more than Coral was. She had remembered she still had to speak with Ash Riddle, about last year and the strange occurrence that happened when he had teleported her back in time by five minutes, and bypassed anti-apparition wards. However, his looks were even more intimidating as they already were before. His overall vibe and appeal would scare any girl away from approaching him. He was rather closed off at all times, a smile hardly ever showing on his face. Usually Ash Riddle was burning holes in the back of someone's head with his light green eyes. He kept his group small, but now that Abraxas had graduated, and Iris was friends with Pansy Parkinson, he was planning on going solo this year. He was friends with Blaise, but not too close that they'd ever actually meet up or do anything together.

Ash simply looked over, towards the group with a feint smile. He quickly waved towards Blaise, making his way to the end of the Slytherin table to sit and watch the rest of the sorting. He didn't even realize that Coral had been attempting to lock eyes with him. She had to talk to him if he might know information about the secret person that was currently out to get her. She was more than sure he'd have something for her, if not some clues which could lead to the culprit. The culprit was his blood brother after all. They had to have some similarities. It would be awkward to speak to him, though she assumed. They hadn't talked in a few months, since the incident at the room of hidden things to be exact. Not one owl, firecall or form of communication between Ash or Coral went on the entire summer. She wasn't even sure how she'd start up a conversation again, or approach him.

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