Chapter 67

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"MOVE YOU BLASTED PEASANTS!" Screamed Draco, as he pushed a group of third year's out of his way whilst making his way towards the black lake.

Children's faces were full of shock seeing Malfoy rampaging down the corridors of Hogwarts. No one had ever seen Draco so angry, and students were wondering what had went and twisted his dinky.
Draco however, his only goal was to get to the lake and finally do what he's been urging to do for the past two years. Firstly, he'd waited because they were rivals, then he waited because she was with Cedric, now he refused to wait again because of Lord Voldemort's son taking in interest in his girl. He'd done enough waiting, and with he and Coral's agreement to both wait for each other until things were more simple, he realized that was obviously not going to work. No one would ruin his chance again.

Hermione and Blaise were quick to follow Malfoy, with both sprinting directly behind him in attempt to catch him from doing any foolish behavior. Luckily, once they made it outside, a collision was heard and a few grunts, meaning someone had managed to stop Draco in his tracks. The real question which worried Hermione though, was who was it that Draco had just impacted into?

"AGH! HOW DARE YOU, FAT ARSE LUMP!" Screamed Draco, as the scene unfolded to Hermione and Blaise with Draco's wand up to Crabbe's neck against a tree.

"Draco, no!" Hermione pleaded, running over to grab his arm and pull him back.

"You don't know what he did!" Snapped Draco, using his own bare hands to push Crabbe back into the tree. "The little bastard shot a hex at me causing me to fall! Fat barbaric arse git should get a beating."

Hermione growled and snapped her head towards Crabbe, who was whimpering furiously. "Is this true? Where are your other death eater goons at?" She demanded, her and Blaise surrounding him with anger.

"Don't speak to me, mudblood!" Crabbe hissed, squirming under Draco's hold on his neck. "Cedric is training for the tournament. Something your little friends are never going to last in."

"Ha, I would be careful with what you say you pathetic excuse of a fat lump. I know a lot more thank you do about this tournament. You're going to be lucky if he's not dead by the end of it!" Retorted Draco, pushing Crabbe away from him with disgust. "Next time you wanna try to hex or jinx me, think twice because I won't be afraid to send you flying into the dark forest."

"Sounds brave coming from someone so cowardly. So cowardly he had to resort to befriending a mudblood." Snickered Goyle, who now was walking out of the castle towards Crabbe. "Come on Crabbe, Cedric said he needs us in the ROR for training."

"Good riddens!" Growled Draco, now focusing on his main goal once again, Coral. "Pathetic idiots."

Too bad though, as two pairs of hands were holding him back from going any further.

Draco twirled around with pure rage, fire burning in his grey eyes.

"No, Draco! You need to calm down!" Blaise refused, gripping his hand tighter on Draco's arm as he squirmed. "Tell me what you're going to do before I let you go! I can't trust you right now like this."

"It's none of your business!" Draco growled, slipping his wand in his hand secretly. "DEPULSO!"

Watching as Hermione and Blaise were pushed back, he took the opportunity to run before being caught again. He was just glad Harry and Sage weren't there to see everything going down, Sage would not tolerate any of it. Even Draco knew Sage was the one to say what did and didn't go choice wise. Another reason why he was glad they were off training today, or else he wouldn't dare do what he was about to do.
Sprinting though trees and over branches, he could slightly see the view of the tree just from feet away. With the speed he was going, he was shocked to know he could even run that fast. Step by step and crunching leaves after, he finally grew only steps away from the spot where Blaise said she were to be. This only left Draco confused once he arrived to find them not there. Now, Draco had lost it. All his control, down the drain.

The Slytherin Prophecy  | Cedric Diggory | Draco Malfoy | Harry PotterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora