Chapter 65

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"Do you, Coral Wolfrose, plead guilty to the murder of Bellatrix Lestrange and usage of an unforgivable curse? Also, do you plead guilty to an act of underaged wizardry outside of Hogwarts?" Asked the Minister of Magic, one that would decide Coral's ultimate punishment.

"I do." Replied Coral, and she stood in front of a panel of judges during her hearing from committing murder the night Bellatrix had attacked.

"And do you Coral Wolfrose, back up the statement thats says these actions were an act of self defense, protecting the lives of many including your own against a life threatening escaped prisoner?"

"I do."

"And do you, Sage Merlin, testify that this is correct under the penalty of jury? Do you testify that you and Harry Potter would be dead if Coral did not murder Bellatrix Lestrange that night in Forks?"

"Yes, I do."

"Very well. I hereby declare Coral Wolfrose guilty of murder, under self-defense only, therefore excused from any punishable consequences. The defendant is free to go and resume normal daily activities. Case dismissed!"

A roaring unpleasant sound of the panel of judges rambling about the Ministers decision filled the room, and Coral wasn't about to stay to hear it. She knew what she did, committed a murder. However, she felt no regret from killing the darkest witch of all time that was about to end her own life and her friends. She had a task to complete, and that was ending Voldemort once and for all. She did what she had to do, at any cost. One thing she did know, was her face was about to become the most popular face in the wizarding community world wide, wether it be staged as a murderers, or a saviors, her only focus was Voldemort who was on his way into this world. With just three weeks until school started, she had to be prepared for a year of war. Bellatrix was just a small slice of what they were to be up against.

September 1st, fourth year.

"Coral Wolfrose! Coral Wolfrose, how did it feel to finally end the wizarding community's darkest witch of all time?"

"Did you kill her for fame? You knew if you were the one to end her you'd become famous! You wanted that didn't you, fame? You have always seemed to crave fame, haven't you?"

"How did you not get sentenced to Azkaban?!"

"Sage, do you feel thankful that your friend was there to save you that night?"

"Is it true you got invited on the number one hit live audience wizarding show in the world?"

"Can you say hello to the daily prophet?"

Coral Wolfrose, walking down Diagon Alley to shop for her school supplies with Sage, was once again being bombarded by the boards of reporters that had been following her ever since her trial under the murder of Bellatrix Lestrange. She'd had enough! She was sick of being followed everywhere she went with cameras, notepads, and annoying paparazzi asking her about something that happened nearly three months ago. It was only making everything harder on her with the new year coming up and the upcoming war against the death eaters.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" She hissed, grabbing Sage and running into the nearest shop to hide away from the crazed paps.

"I'm sorry that you are going through this." Sage apologized worriedly.

"It's not my main worries right now, you know I am focused on the tri-wizard tournament that will take place literally the second week of school. I have to be prepared, I don't know if I'm trained enough to make it through the tasks."

"You are, you Harry and I are. We will be fine, as long as we are focused and determined to accomplish our main goal which is volde-"

"Isn't that Coral Wolfrose, the girl who murdered Bellatrix Lestrange herself?" A first year whispered to her friend, although it wasn't quite at all.

The Slytherin Prophecy  | Cedric Diggory | Draco Malfoy | Harry PotterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang