Chapter 40

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The next morning, birds were chirping and skies were more blue than ever in Southern California. Coral's mother had been ecstatic about her daughters return after a full year of waiting, and had gotten up early just to make a big breakfast for the both of them. A barn owl that she bought a few months ago, came tapping on the kitchen window begging to be let in.

"Oh, you're just in time! Evera exclaimed, opening the window and watching as her owl dropped a pile of letters down onto the floor. "You bratty bird, too lazy to even hand them too me. Tell me why I paid nearly five hundred galleons for you again?"

The owl hooted almost as if it was amused, then waited at the window to send any letters back.
Evera picked the pile and began sorting them.
To Coral Wolfrose from Sage Merlin
To Evera WolfRose from Everwick Merlin
To Coral Wolfrose from Cedric Diggory
To Evera Wolfrose from Minevera Mcgonagall

Who's Cedric Diggory? She asked her self rather amused, then sat Coral's small pile onto where she would normally sit.

Oh a letter from Everwick! Evera ripped open the letter from him immediately, and a smile grew onto her face. What Sage and Coral didn't know was that Evera and Everwick had been meeting up at places like Diagon alley and the Leaky Cauldron to go on dates while they were both away. There was something going on between the two single parents, but they would both not say anything until the time was right. She didn't want to upset her daughter and the way she felt about her dad being gone.

"It's time for breakfast!" Evera shouted at full blast down the hallway to wake up her sleeping child. "Coral!"

"Coral!" I heard my name being called, and sat up gasping, ripped out of my dream. Ugh, kill me.

I slipped out of bed, and put my polar bear slippers on that I missed dearly and made my way down to the kitchen. The smells of cooked breakfast filled my nose and a sighed with relief, my stomach was empty as ever since I didn't even eat dinner. After getting off the train and saying goodbye to Cedric, I slept as soon as mother got me at the train station and apparated us back home. Creeping down the stairs, I sat down at the table looking at the pile of letters that were placed neatly next to my breakfast.

"Who's Cedric?" A voice asked from behind me.

I turned around with red cheeks towards my mom, and eyeballed as she sat down with a smile on her face.

"My boyfriend..."

I flinched as her eyes widened then a smile was plastered onto her face. She always nagged me about why I hadn't had any guys interested in me, that wasn't my fault that everyone thinks I'm not good enough.

"Boyfriend?" She shrieked, eyeballing the letter. "Wait did you say Diggory?" She curiously asked, eyeballing as I opened the letter.

"Yes, Cedric Diggory. A third year like Draco, Sage and I. Well, now fourth."

"Oh, I think I have met his father before at the leaky cauldron. I believe his name was Amos Diggory." She informed, biting into her hashbrown sticks. "Rather interesting that you'd end up dating his son!" She joked.

I didn't respond, but instead began reading the letter from my boyfriend.

You didn't think I'd wait to write to you, now did you? Expect a letter from me every night, I won't forget even when others will. How's your first day back at home? Mines great! My father got me a bunch of quidditch stuff and he is taking me to get a new hairstyle. I finally get to cut off my rather shaggy long hair! I'll send you a picture of what I look like in the next letter, hopefully you like it. I have talked to my dad and told him all about you, he said that he had met your mother before a year or two ago. Isn't that cool? Bloody hell, maybe they will let us meet up during summer then! We could go somewhere in the muggle world, maybe like Disney land have you ever heard of that place? It's all the muggle teenagers around me talk about wanting to do and I think it seems rather brilliant. Although, I don't know where this Disney land is exactly. Anyways, there I go rambling again! Sorry! I hope to hear back soon with a letter, as I'll be sending another one tomorrow.

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