Chapter 63

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April 20th, fourth year

Today was the day, the amazing masquerade ball that all of the students were waiting impatiently for since it was announced in February. With students struggling to pick out the right apparel for the night, Hogwarts was in utter scramble and chaos. Only less than fourty days were left until students would be released on summer holiday. Only fourty days until Summer would come, and the next task coming into the wizarding world would be Voldemort's return. Luckily, the masquerade ball was temporarily distracting the Gemini group and Diggory's clan from the darkness arriving, and everyone's minds were set on having the best day. With wizarding masquerade balls, your whole entire appearance and voice gets magically changed into something completely different for the night, it was bound to be madness. What could be more fun than dressing up and not knowing who your dancing with?

Coral, who had just finished getting ready an hour before the ball, had quickly stumbled around the corridors of Hogwarts to try to locate her friends. Unfortunately, everyone was already dressed and the charm had taken effect early, meaning this task was not going to be simple in any way. Huffing, she searched for any clues of familiarness while passing students in the hall to see if she could at least find one of her friends before the ball began. It seemed like twenty minutes of passing unfamiliar faces, until she got a whiff of a familiar broomstick smell, one she couldn't mistake for anyone other than Harry.

"Harry, is that you?" She asked, jumping at the fact her voice had completely changed. Everyone was hidden. This could be dangerous.

Harry, who now had grey hair and brown eyes, turned and nodded with a confused expression.
"M'ione? Is that you?" He asked.

"It's Coral. I literally can't find anyone."

"I've only found Fred, he was the short blonde one I was just talking to. Also my date, Ginny." Harry paused, looking around for his now brunette girlfriend with green eyes.

Coral lightly laughed picturing Fred as a short blonde. Draco Malfoy had popped into her head instantly from the reminder of it, and grimaced. She hated to admit it, but when she found out Draco had been asked to the ball by a fourth year RavenClaw girl, she nearly lost it. Her and Draco had been nearly best friends now other than Sage and Harry, and even she was going to admit she felt something for Draco. How could she not like him, when he wasn't the nasty little brat he used to be? The only question left, how did he feel?

"I've got to get going, Coral. Ginny is giving me angry eyes. If only she knew who you really were." Harry snickered at the sight of his jealous girlfriend. "You know, white hair and grey eyes suit you. You look like Malfoy!"

Coral paused and her eyes widened. Looking in the mirror, she did look like Malfoy. Or a relative of Luna Lovegood. "Have fun, I'm going to go see if I can recognize anyone's scents." She waved to Harry as he ran urgently. Ignoring Harry's snickers as she walked away, she furrowed her eyebrows with confusion. Find anyone's scents? I sound like a dog. She thought.

Walking into the ballroom, she eyeballed all of the different unfamiliar faces around the room. She couldn't tell if it was people that were her friends, or people that didn't like her that kept staring as she walked past. Then, she remembered they didn't even know it was her. She exhaled to calm herself and remind herself that no one was out to get her because they didn't even know it was her in the first place.

After a few minutes, she locked eyes on a green dangling necklace hanging from a red headed boys neck. Sage. Rushing over, she snatched him away from a unknown girl and pulled him privately cornered.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Sage asked.

"It's Coral dimbwit! I noticed your transfix from a mile away!"

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