Chapter 10

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Coral was just about to go find the store that Harry said to meet for our designated location, but a certain store caught her eye.
"The Magical Menagerie"
She noticed there were cages, with animals. Animals? Oh! I love animals! She ran over to the store in a hurry looking at all the different wizarding creatures for sale inside. There were all kinds of weird creatures. She was fascinated as she walked inside revealing many, many more cages and new creatures of all kinds.

"Hello there!" A voice kindly greeted.

Coral looked up, a woman around middle age was smiling at her. "Hello, I'm Coral Wolfrose."

"Nice to finally meet you. Let me know if you need anything."

Coral nodded and continued to walk around.
She noticed a crab shooting fire, a bunch of cats and other never seen before creatures, but something special caught her eye. She walked towards a cage in awe, as inside included a little creature that looked like a pink puff ball. It was like a real life puffle from club penguin. "Cutie!" She squealed at it causing it to try to lick her.

"Ah, you like that one? That is a A Puffskein, dear. It is a popular pet found worldwide that does not object to being cuddled or thrown about. The Puffskein is a scavenger, eating anything from leftovers to spiders. This makes them a popular wizarding pet."

"May I ask, are they allowed at Hogwarts?"

"Yes, Miss WolfRose, they are. Would you like to hold her?"

She nodded her head yes, the lady walked over to the cage pulling the puffskein out.
Coral was in love with it. She had to get it. It hopped onto her arm and she knew instantly the creature was something she wanted as her own. That puffskein was hers.
"I'll take her, I love it!" she replied happily, petting the puffskein.

It was the cutest thing she had ever seen.

"Very well, the puffskien will be one hundred galleons please!" The worker asked nicely, waiting for payment.

Luckily, the first store she had gone to, included a kind man that took the time to explain how wizard money works, because she went to give him one thousand gallons when he asked for ten. Whoops. "What about the items like it's food and cage... how do I take care of it exactly?" She questioned with confusion.

"Of course dear, I almost forgot. Let me get you everything." The lady replied quickly scurrying to grab everything. She made it back to the front desk with its cage and bag of supplies, jotting down a note for its specific feeding instructions. "Two hundred galleons total."

Coral handed her two galleons, and grabbed the pet supplies and which of course, wouldn't fit into her bag. Great!
"Um, excuse me but my bag is full I don't know how I am supposed to carry it all." She asked shyly.

"Oh dear, I didn't realize but you must be new here right? Let me help you." The lady replied. She grabbed Coral's bag and took all the stuff out, except her money. "Because you probably didn't know , you can use a spell to move one item from a place, to another."

"What house are you in dear, at Hogwarts?"


She waved her wand at Coral's objects and said "Slytherin common room. "

The clothes flashed away with a pop.

Coral jumped back in shock. Her stuff just literally vanished from a spell. Also, where did they go? "How exactly do I do that, send them to my common room?"

The Slytherin Prophecy  | Cedric Diggory | Draco Malfoy | Harry PotterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin