Chapter 78

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Today was the day, the day that Coral finally got to see Draco again after a long two weeks. It was difficult, speaking that they basically lived together back at Hogwarts in their shared dorms, which they were both lucky enough that Mcgonagall and Dumbledore thought were still appropriate to further encourage house unity. Coral was just pleased that it sometimes looked like people were still arguing between houses so they were all still kept together in the same common room. The only people that were still an issue in their year left was Cho and Pansy. Pansy managed to grow up a little bit though, and began minding her own business rather than constantly obsessing over Draco Malfoy. Besides, with her previous prefect duties she were constantly too occupied to tease or taunt anyone, nor obsess over Draco Malfoy who belonged to someone as popular as Coral WolfRose.

Looking up to the clock in her room, her eyes went wide in realization that there were nearly only less than ten minutes left until she had scheduled to be heading out to Draco's manor, and that she still had a whole closet of things to pack. Groaning from lack of sleep and exhaustion, she inhaled a fresh new breath of air that seeped in from her open window, and quickly gathered everything left she needed for a guaranteed pleasant two weeks with her boyfriend. She had been up nearly all night, over thinking about how everything had happened and how she ended up with Draco. She still wasn't sure if Draco would be the one to stick it through with at the end, even though they had undeniable amount of chemistry, they never spent much time together at Hogwarts romantically. It was either things that involved their whole group, or things like were inevitable like sharing a dorm. Come to think of it, Malfoy never really asked her on dates or to be alone in fact. She figured it was just because of the huge stress toll that took place on them both, and that surely now they were more mature that sixth year would be completely different.


Great, that's my ten minute mark from my alarm. I'm going to be late. She thought, slamming her alarm off then pulling her zipper to her suitcase closed frantically, rushing downstairs with it clanking against every step loudly. Ugh, shut up shut up shut up! That definitely just woke up someone. To her greatest dismay, footsteps trailed behind her and there stood a fair skinned boy with groggy eyes, rubbing them frantically from the loud banging outside his room.

"Sorry Phoenix, I didn't mean to wake you." Coral apologized, waiting in the door frame in preparation to her cross world apparation. "Tell Hermione and Sage that I left, will you?"

Rubbing the back of his head with a blank face, he hesitantly watched and nodded, helplessly watching as a loud crack went booming through the room and a flash from Coral's apparation blinded his narrowed eyes. "Bye." He gloomily replied before heading to bed again.
Phoenix was all too unhappy about his new best friends departure to go visit her boyfriend. Coral was the first person he had felt close to since his parents died, and even then he wasn't that close to them before they turned to being death eaters. He knew he'd never take the place of Sage as her best friend, but he liked where their friendship was going and how quickly it was growing. Even though he knew Draco wouldn't be happy about their growing friendship, since he and Draco hadn't been the best of friends after Draco found out he was a death eater with Cedric, something inside told him Draco wasn't going to be permanent in Coral's life. In Phoenix's eyes, Draco was just a temporary solution to a bigger problem. It wasn't Draco that Coral wanted, what she wanted was someone to be there for her when other people weren't. It couldn't be Malfoy. It happened to quickly and without any real passion or flirting. It was obvious to Phoenix that Coral saw her best friend would soon be occupied with his own girlfriend, and that she didn't want to be left alone again, after what she recently revealed to him about her previous life at muggle school and how she never really was close to anyone. Maybe Draco was just a void or distraction, a temporary drug until someone else came along that she truly wanted to be with. Phoenix was smarter than he seemed, and a very good observer. People would be greatly in the wrong to underestimate Phoenix Barlow, the Swedish exchange student who lost everything. Of course, he could be wrong and that's what he feared.

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