Chapter 19

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It was now after Christmas break, and students had been tightly gathered into the great hall. With the room being louder than ever from students chatting about their Christmas break's, Professor Mcgonagall grew impatient. Professor Mcgonagall clung her knife against her wine glass causing everyone to discontinue their conversations that were flooding the great hall. All attention was paid to the front towards professor McGonagall and Dumbledore.
"STUDENTS, welcome back to Hogwarts for your second semester of school! I hope you had amazing Christmas breaks. I have a couple of very important things to inform all of you about, so please make sure you're attention is fully paid to me."

A firework was set off in the middle of the room and everyone just looked around confused as ever. Where on earth did a firework just come from?

Professor Mcgonagall looked around with an expression that was far from amused.
"First and foremost, quidditch try-outs for all teams will be today at the quidditch pitch. Remember, if you were on the team last year there is no guarantee for your spot this year so make sure to show up! Second off, a professor has spotted dementor's roaming the lake near the dark forest over Christmas break. The lake is now prohibited and going there will result in extreme consequences. That is, if you manage to make it out alive in that matter!"

The students facial expressions quickly turned terrified.

"Third off, any uses of magic to intend to harm someone withought defending yourself, will now result in a detention and even serious cases expulsion! Now we don't want that, so please do be on your best behavior. We don't need another case like Darius Winldock."

"Who's Darius WindLock, Professor?" Cedric Diggory shouted out towards the front of the room from the hufflepuff table.

"There is your answer Cedric. Who is Darius WindLock? Everyone seemed to forget about him shortly after his tragic accident when another student accidentally sent him flying into the dark forest with a spell, to never be seen again. He was a fifth year student only two years ago. You would have been a first year during this accident! Yet you don't remember about it, do you Mr. Diggory?"


Everyone was looking at eachother with horrified expressions.

"These rules are to take effect immediately. Any rules broken will result in a consequence, which will end up being determined by me." Mcgonagall stated. "Is this clear?" She looked around waiting to see the nods of students in agreement.

"Yes!" Students replied in unison.

"Great. You may get back to eating now. Don't forget quidditch try outs start right after sixth period! Don't be late. I'll be there watching! Good luck." Professor Mcgonagall announced before sitting back down in her seat.

The great hall continued to fill with the sound of several conversations taking place. The main thing on my mind, was I had to talk to Sage Merlin.
I eyeballed the RavenClaw table looking to see the face I had been waiting to see since Christmas.

"Why are you looking at the RavenClaw table, WolfRose?" Draco snobbishly spat out at Coral furrowing his eyebrows. "People from RavenClaw are noticing you looking at their table!"

Coral looked back, to be confronted by the eyes of almost every RavenClaw. "Tough crowd."

Her eyes quickly flickered to the one and only, Sage Merlin. This it is, I have to confront Sage about the necklace. Taking no extra time, she got up.

"Where the hell are you going? Have you gone mad? Sit back down!" Draco impatiently demanded.

Coral ignored his comment and made her way over to the RavenClaw table towards Sage. Of course, she noticed all eyes glaring her down from all of RavenClaw. She stood, waiting him to finish his conversation with his RavenClaw friend, who she had no clue of what their name was.

The Slytherin Prophecy  | Cedric Diggory | Draco Malfoy | Harry PotterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ