Chapter 22

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The faint sound of morning birds chirping just outside Coral's window began grew louder and louder, waking her out of her deep slumber. Slowly opening her eyes, she began to get out of bed and become ready for school. She wasn't very exited. She knew Draco and Pansy would probably be around each other all the time after the night before. She couldn't stand being near Pansy. She could already predict how today were to go. She were to argue with Malfoy about Pansy, and end up forced to sit at the RavenClaw table with Sage for the rest of the year.


"Turn to page three hundred and ninety FOUR." Snape demanded to the dead silent classroom with a emotionless glare in his eyes followed with a sharp cold tone.

The class quickly did so in fear that they would receive a punishment. Coral grabbed the thin textured papers of the book, flipping through the book to find the page directed.

"But professor, this chapter is werewolves. We aren't to be learning about werewolf until the end of the year?" Hermione snobbishly spat out at Snape with her nose raised in the air.

"That isn't your choice now is it? TURN TO PAGE THREE HUNDRED AND NINETY FOUR. WE ARE learning about werewolves." Snape hissed.

Coral chuckled under her breath at the fact Hermione actually got in trouble for once. She smirking down at her feet, when a hand flew down onto her desk with a loud thud. She nervously looked up, seeing Snape towering over her with anger.

"Is something funny to you, Miss WolfRose?"

"No, sorry professor." She apologetically slid lower in her seat knowing the whole classrooms eyes were on her.

Snape began teaching his lesson about werewolves and the history of them. It was actually quite interesting once Coral decided to actually pay attention.

Fourth period finally rolled around, as Coral and Sage made their way to herbology class. Slytherin shared the class with Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Herbology had to be one of Coral's favorite subjects.
She took her seat next to Sage, eagerly waiting for Professor Sprout to walk in and tell them what kind of fun project they were going to be working on. Curious, she examined the room to see all the students talking to eachother. She sneered while scrunching up her nose, as she noticed Pansy staring at Draco with googly eyes. Draco luckily didn't notice Pansy, and Coral got his attention before Pansy could. Draco looked at her, then quickly looked away.

She turned towards Sage, trying to take my mind off Malfoy. "I'm exited for class what about you?"

"Yeah I'm also excited but, I'm going to be ditching class after fourth period. I have something very important to do."

Coral wasn't sure if she had heard him correctly. "Ditching? What's so important that you have to ditch? You can't just ditch class.".

"Oh, I forgot to mention, you're coming with me."

Coral frantically looked around to check if anyone were eavesdropping.
"Um, I'm sorry but I thought you just said that I were going? I don't ditch class Sage."

"No, you're going because i'm forcing you too. Also another short notification, but we are starting your training for the uses of the emerald transfix today."

"But, what training? I can't just skip school to start training. What if we get in trouble. W-wh-" She proceeded to cry out to Merlin in attempt to change his mind, but was interrupted mid sentence as Professor Sprout walked in.

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